Belgian Strong Ale - Belgian Dark Strong Ale (BJCP 2008) - Beer Recipes | Brewer's Friend
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Belgian Strong Ale - Belgian Dark Strong Ale (BJCP 2008)

Top 10 Belgian Dark Strong Ale (BJCP 2008) Recipes

Title Size ABV IBU OG FG Color Method Views
Ommegang Three Philosophers Ale
5.5 gal 8.72% 31.49 1.087 1.021
All Grain 8338
Chouffe n'ice
15 L 9.89% 18.1 1.090 1.014
BIAB 7298
ASSteel in Fucking Bruges
10 gal 10.32% 23.08 1.097 1.019
All Grain 4801
Westvleteren 12 Clone
25 L 10.17% 37.47 1.090 1.012
All Grain 4409
Kasteel Rouge Clone
6.5 gal 6.94% 13.28 1.062 1.009
All Grain 3755
Dubbel #1
21 L 8.58% 21.07 1.073 1.011
All Grain 3298
#46 Quadrupel - Belgian Dark Strong Ale Oak Aged
27 L 10.34% 34.16 1.096 1.017
All Grain 3205
gulden draak clone
5.5 gal 7.22% 0 1.073 1.018
Partial Mash 3195
Verboden Vrucht 5 (VV5)
11 L 8.1% 32.83 1.083 1.022
All Grain 3014
5.25 gal 10.36% 34.91 1.104 1.025
All Grain 2496

Newest Belgian Dark Strong Ale (BJCP 2008) Recipes

Title Size ABV IBU OG FG Color Method Views
Belgian Dark Strong Ale - Chimay BLue
45 L 9.12% 26.48 1.078 1.008
All Grain 49
Dark belgian quad
19 L 10.94% 25.37 1.102 1.019
Partial Mash 38
Von Bora
6 gal 12.63% 29.29 1.116 1.020
All Grain 36
Orange Brown Ale
500 L 8.99% 20.46 1.087 1.018
All Grain 33
Life Is Beautiful Biere De Noel - Extract
5.5 gal 10.58% 430.13 1.095 1.014
Life Is Beautiful Biere De Noel - Extract
5.5 gal 10.58% 430.13 1.095 1.014
Avant Garden x Bierguys - Houten Bernard - Quad
27 L 10.5% 33.63 1.096 1.016
All Grain 69
5 gal 8.97% 28.65 1.089 1.021
Belgian Christmas Ale
4 L 6.82% 0 1.059 1.008
Partial Mash 121
Four Verts
5 gal 9.99% 48.76 1.096 1.020
extract 70

Fermentables Used In Belgian Dark Strong Ale (BJCP 2008) Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Country Category Type Color PPG Avg. Usage Usage Range
Special B 285 Grain crystal malt 115°L
34 4% 0% - 40%
Belgian - Pilsner 179 Belgian Grain base malt 1.6°L
37 60% 3% - 100%
BE - Pale Ale 98 BE Grain base malt 3.4°L
38 51% 6% - 94%
Belgian Candi Sugar - Amber/Brown (60L) 98 Sugar sugar 60°L
38 9% 2% - 40%
Cane Sugar 95 Sugar sugar 0°L
46 9% 2% - 50%
Aromatic 93 Grain base malt 38°L
33 5% 0% - 40%
Belgian Candi Sugar - Dark (275L) 89 Sugar sugar 275°L
38 8% 0% - 35%
Belgian - CaraMunich 87 Belgian Grain crystal malt 50°L
33 5% 1% - 23%
US - Pale 2-Row 74 US Grain base malt 1.8°L
37 60% 3% - 94%
Candi Syrup - Belgian Candi Syrup - D-180 74 Sugar sugar 180°L
32 9% 2% - 20%

Hops Used In Belgian Dark Strong Ale (BJCP 2008) Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Average AA Avg. Usage Usage Range
Styrian Goldings 172 5.5 37% 7% - 100%
Saaz 122 3.5 35% 6% - 100%
Magnum 76 15 51% 9% - 100%
Hallertau Mittelfruh 74 3.75 41% 10% - 100%
Hallertau Hersbrucker 73 4 38% 4% - 100%
Northern Brewer 59 7.8 43% 9% - 100%
Fuggles 44 4.5 42% 8% - 100%
East Kent Goldings 39 5 38% 5% - 80%
Tettnanger 38 4.5 41% 13% - 100%
Domestic Hallertau 37 3.9 49% 17% - 100%

Steeping Grains Used In Belgian Dark Strong Ale (BJCP 2008) Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Country Category Type Color PPG Avg. Usage Usage Range
Special B 24 Grain crystal malt 115°L
34 34% 8% - 100%
Aromatic 14 Grain base malt 38°L
33 26% 4% - 100%
Belgian - Biscuit 14 Belgian Grain roasted malt 23°L
35 30% 3% - 53%
Belgian - CaraMunich 12 Belgian Grain crystal malt 50°L
33 32% 6% - 75%
American - Chocolate 8 American Grain roasted malt 350°L
29 46% 1% - 100%
Munich 6 Grain specialty malt 6°L
37 33% 13% - 54%
German - Melanoidin 4 German Grain roasted malt 25°L
37 14% 4% - 25%
Aromatic Malt 3 Grain specialty malt 20°L
35 37% 25% - 62%
United Kingdom - Chocolate 3 United Kingdom Grain roasted malt 425°L
34 15% 5% - 21%
United Kingdom - Amber 3 United Kingdom Grain base malt 27°L
32 35% 14% - 75%

Yeasts Used In Belgian Dark Strong Ale (BJCP 2008) Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Laboratory Type Alcohol Tolerance Flocculation Attenuation Min. Temp Max. Temp
Wyeast - Trappist High Gravity 3787 74 Wyeast Ale 0.12 Med-High 76% 64°F 78°F
White Labs - Abbey Ale Yeast WLP530 65 White Labs Ale High Med-High 77.5% 66°F 72°F
Wyeast - Belgian Abby Ale II 1762 48 Wyeast Ale 0.12 Medium 75% 65°F 75°F
Fermentis - Safbrew - Abbaye Yeast BE-256 43 Fermentis / Safale Ale .11 High 82% 54°F 77°F
White Labs - Belgian Strong Ale Yeast WLP545 41 White Labs Ale High Medium 81.5% 66°F 72°F
Fermentis - Safbrew - Specialty Ale Yeast T-58 40 Fermentis / Safale Ale 0.115 High 70% 54°F 77°F
White Labs - Monastary Ale Yeast WLP500 38 White Labs Ales High Medium 77.5% 65°F 72°F
Wyeast - Belgian Ale 1214 27 Wyeast Ale 0.12 Med-Low 75% 68°F 78°F
Lallemand - LALBREW® ABBAYE BELGIAN ALE YEAST 20 Lallemand Belgian Ales High Medium 88% 63°F 77°F
Wyeast - Belgian Strong Ale 1388 18 Wyeast Ale 0.12 Low 76% 64°F 80°F

Other Ingredients Used In Belgian Dark Strong Ale (BJCP 2008) Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Type Use Avg. Usage Usage Range
Gypsum 56 Water Agt Mash 16% 0% - 100%
Irish Moss 54 Fining Boil 55% 0% - 100%
Whirlfloc 40 Water Agt Boil 58% 0% - 100%
Lactic acid 28 Water Agt Mash 54% 0% - 100%
Epsom Salt 26 Water Agt Mash 10% 0% - 100%
Calcium Chloride (dihydrate) 25 Water Agt Mash 19% 0% - 100%
Baking Soda 20 Water Agt Mash 14% 0% - 100%
Coriander Seed 14 Spice Boil 58% 0% - 100%
Calcium Chloride (anhydrous) 13 Water Agt Mash 21% 0% - 100%
Yeast Nutrient 12 Other Boil 35% 0% - 100%
