xalfons - Brewer Profile | Brewer's Friend
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Brewer's Profile


    Join Date: 08/20/14
    Public: 31
    Brew Sessions
    Ready To Drink
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    6 Brewing Contributions for "2024"

    Includes Recipes, Brew Sessions, Inventory, Brew Logs and Tank Logs

    Shared Recipes
      Title Style Size ABV IBU Color Views Brewed
      Tripel karmeliet clone Belgian Tripel 20 L 8.06% 24.64
    2617 3
      Julöl 2014 Old Ale 9 L 5.64% 70.42
    2340 0
      Hoppy Red Ale American Pale Ale 20 L 5.71% 52.55
    1339 1
      GBG Beer Week 2016 klon American Pale Ale 22 L 6.29% 196.39
    1322 0
      Standard Pale Ale "Party Bifrost"/Kawale Belgian Pale Ale 22 L 5.98% 24.41
    1161 0
      Sommar-IPA American IPA 20 L 6.41% 59.33
    1058 0
      Fall in stout Foreign Extra Stout 6 L 7.25% 31.5
    1053 0
      Essensspecialistens california common Pre-Prohibition Lager 20 L 4.71% 43.71
    1025 0
      Bluetooth American Wheat or Rye Beer 20 L 5.21% 29.49
    959 0
      Imperial stout 2016 jul Russian Imperial Stout 10 L 8.95% 52.32
    908 0
      English dark mild (BIB) Dark Mild 12 L 4.26% 19.75
    899 0
      Virus-DIPA Double IPA 22 L 7.98% 76.83
    881 0
      NEIPA American IPA 19 L 6.48% 97.38
    866 0
      Citra summer session American Pale Ale 20 L 5.19% 109.99
    808 0
      Ett blåbär i Anus Saison 20 L 6.37% 20.27
    807 0
      Pumpkin spice ale Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer 10 L 8.15% 25.47
    801 0
      Hubertus Strong Bitter 21 L 7.92% 39.57
    782 0
      London Brown 2017 Southern English Brown 20 L 4.18% 19.41
    750 0
      Steaming flat tire California Common 20 L 6.17% 45.9
    745 0
      Raspberry/strawberry kettle berliner Berliner Weisse 22 L 4.51% 9.34
    739 0
      Vashta Nerada Oatmeal Stout 10 L 6.62% 35.53
    730 0
      Rö-öl Irish Red Ale 40 L 6.13% 27.52
    697 0
      Baltic porter Baltic Porter 19 L 8.89% 28.1
    685 0
      Niverts Altbier Kölsch 22 L 5.29% 48.5
    499 0
      (Blå)Bärs Karlsson Berliner Weisse 21 L 4.57% 8.29
    424 0
      kÖLsch1 German Pils 22 L 4.76% 28.18
    296 0
      Pseudo lager 1 German Pils 21 L 5.39% 38.75
    296 0
      Krampus 2019 (Millenium) English Barleywine 15 L 10.95% 61.27
    250 0
      Krampus 2019 Imperial Stout 15 L 11% 51.04
    249 0
      Torris Saison 20 L 8.3% 17.6
    239 0
      Smash that kveik No Profile Selected 21 L 5.38% 53.57
    238 0
    Brew Sessions
    Title Style Brew Day Phase Type