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Brewer's Profile


    Join Date: 03/04/19
    Location: Adelaide South Australia
    Public: 28
    Brew Sessions
    Ready To Drink
    All Gone

    14 Brewing Contributions for "2024"

    Includes Recipes, Brew Sessions, Inventory, Brew Logs and Tank Logs

    Shared Recipes
      Title Style Size ABV IBU Color Views Brewed
      English Special mild Dark Mild 50 L 3.73% 22.29
    773 13
      english bitter II Best Bitter 50 L 4.77% 28.38
    534 1
      coopers clone Australian Sparkling Ale 50 L 5.47% 31.81
    437 0
      English bitter III Best Bitter 50 L 4.88% 29.81
    434 0
      hoffbeer Munich Helles 50 L 6.17% 21.36
    411 1
      Raffys Stout No Profile Selected 50 L 6.19% 40.58
    336 1
      basic lager International Pale Lager 50 L 5.06% 16.44
    332 0
      Charlton Draught International Amber Lager 50 L 5.65% 23.65
    328 0
      English Bitter Best Bitter 50 L 4.81% 33.11
    313 0
      Yorke lager International Pale Lager 50 L 5.61% 27.44
    300 2
      English Bitter IIII Ordinary Bitter 50 L 4.79% 25.72
    287 2
      Raffys Stout 2 No Profile Selected 50 L 5.02% 31.11
    286 0
      cz lager - to style Czech Pale Lager 50 L 5.43% 28.96
    284 3
      czech light lager premium Czech Premium Pale Lager 50 L 5.01% 26.39
    278 0
      pu Czech Pale Lager 50 L 4.92% 27.3
    272 2
      euro lager International Pale Lager 50 L 5.84% 26.75
    262 0
      munich helles oz style Munich Helles 50 L 5.04% 20.53
    255 0
      English Pale Ale I Best Bitter 50 L 4.66% 30.65
    242 0
      gregs bitter Ordinary Bitter 50 L 5.14% 33.26
    242 0
      mywheat Weissbier 50 L 4.99% 12.22
    235 0
      english porter English Porter 50 L 5.38% 16.09
    228 0
      English Mild No Profile Selected 50 L 4.68% 0
    153 0
      Big Boy Stout by Steve Wilkins Foreign Extra Stout 50 L 5.87% 35.04
    137 0
      dark lager II Czech Amber Lager 50 L 5% 0
    134 2
      Asahi clone by Steve Wilkins American Light Lager 50 L 5.13% 10.6
    124 0
      cerveza corn beer International Pale Lager 50 L 5.11% 12.48
    82 0
      Mexican simple lager International Pale Lager 50 L 6.03% 14.38
    50 2
      shwarzebier adelaide style Schwarzbier 50 L 5.72% 22.34
    27 0
    Brew Sessions
    Title Style Brew Day Phase Type