Girona Brewers - Brewer Profile | Brewer's Friend
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Brewer's Profile

    Girona Brewers

    Join Date: 02/02/22
    Public: 25
    Brew Sessions
    Ready To Drink
    All Gone

    2 Brewing Contributions for "2024"

    Includes Recipes, Brew Sessions, Inventory, Brew Logs and Tank Logs

    Shared Recipes
      Title Style Size ABV IBU Color Views Brewed
      Delirium Tremens Clone Belgian Golden Strong Ale 23 L 8.51% 31.08
    1094 0
      Simcoe Double IPA Double IPA 23 L 8.53% 92.71
    800 0
      Citrini American IPA 23 L 7.63% 42.16
    654 0
      (BURTON) Victorian age British Strong Ale Burton Ale 24 L 7.21% 41.88
    646 0
      Casament Specialty IPA: Rye IPA 23 L 6.15% 48.6
    575 0
      Orange Weizen Weizenbock 23 L 6.54% 15.11
    557 0
      Melon Hazy IPA American IPA 23 L 6.5% 48.21
    378 0
    beer recipe photo Spring Citric Pale Ale American Pale Ale 23 L 5.89% 41.94
    334 0
      Sierra Nevada Torpedo Adaptation American IPA 23 L 7.69% 66.25
    315 0
      Sweet Chocolate Veer Sweet Stout 23 L 6.18% 25.28
    301 0
      Scottish Style Scottish Export 23 L 5.98% 27.47
    280 0
      New World Bastard American Strong Ale 23 L 8.41% 50.5
    248 0
      (NEGRA) Czar's Secret Russian Imperial Stout 24 L 8.87% 64.54
    243 0
      (IPA) Citrus and Floral American IPA 24 L 7.19% 67.8
    238 0
      Imperial Stout 2020 Russian Imperial Stout 20 L 8.14% 61.8
    227 0
      (TRIPEL) Karmeliet and Delirium Fusion Belgian Tripel 24 L 9.2% 27.52
    223 0
      Classical Imperial Stout Russian Imperial Stout 24 L 8.03% 60.05
    213 0
      Fiesta amarga Double IPA 19 L 6.27% 93.34
    190 1
      (AAA) La Triple A American Amber Ale 23 L 5.55% 30.3
    168 0
      (NEIPA) Orange and Vanilla Milkshake Specialty IPA: New England IPA 23 L 7.28% 27.04
    168 0
      Black IPA - Citrus and black fruits Specialty IPA: Black IPA 24 L 6.71% 65.82
    161 0
      Simple and Good Belgian Pale Ale 19 L 5.05% 34.85
    116 0
      Summer nights Best Bitter 24 L 4.55% 33.58
    103 0
      Simcoe and something else Double IPA 24 L 7.8% 91.48
    102 0
      Fruity vanilla Milkshake Specialty IPA: New England IPA 24 L 6.75% 23.95
    97 0