nurse02 - Brewer Profile | Brewer's Friend
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Brewer's Profile


    Join Date: 05/24/15
    Public: 31
    Brew Sessions
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    4 Brewing Contributions for "2024"

    Includes Recipes, Brew Sessions, Inventory, Brew Logs and Tank Logs

    Shared Recipes
      Title Style Size ABV IBU Color Views Brewed
      Světlá 11 American Pale Ale 22 L 5.08% 69.07
    898 0
      Pivko 11° Bohemian Pilsener 23 L 4.88% 44.16
    828 0
      Oatmeal v. III kalendář Oatmeal Stout 34 L 5.86% 30.77
    622 0
      Pšeničné prázdniny Weizen/Weissbier 36 L 5.01% 11.75
    582 0
      kalendář reparát American Pale Ale 36 L 4.87% 41.98
    543 0
      oat meal VIII Oatmeal Stout 36 L 15.58% 0
    516 0
      letní ležák Czech Pale Lager 25 L 4.3% 25.8
    480 0
      Kölsch Kölsch 34 L 5.1% 22.94
    456 0
      APÁČ American Pale Ale 36 L 5.66% 33.18
    451 0
      oat meal stout Oatmeal Stout 36 L 5.86% 29.47
    403 0
      Awesome Recipe American Light Lager 21 L 31.1% 0
    389 0
      wheat beer American Wheat Beer 35 L 4.76% 28.75
    359 0
      Balaton American Pale Ale 36 L 4.83% 35.36
    359 0
      apa American Pale Ale 36 L 4.75% 28.91
    337 0
      Budapest Czech Premium Pale Lager 35 L 5.35% 38.16
    336 0
      Common California Common 35 L 5.42% 36.72
    334 0
      Kača Vienna Lager 35 L 5.31% 26.16
    322 0
      fruit ringlot American Pale Ale 36 L 5.38% 32.31
    316 0
      Dunkelweizen Dunkles Weissbier 35 L 3.84% 15.97
    309 0
      Red Specialty IPA: Red IPA 36 L 5.02% 36.25
    308 0
      witbier Witbier 34 L 4.79% 17.85
    286 0
      Kölsch kalendář 2021 v II Kölsch 36 L 5.2% 28.44
    250 0
      Budapest Czech Premium Pale Lager 35 L 4.81% 0
    240 0
      doppelbock Doppelbock 34 L 6.86% 0
    240 0
      Eldorado American IPA 35 L 5.12% 35.41
    238 0
      Awesome Recipe American Light Lager 25 L 4.73% 0
    231 0
      Motueka Blonde Ale 35 L 5.06% 23.23
    227 0
      Dubbel Belgian Dubbel 35 L 6.14% 0
    223 0
      Vanoční ležák 2023 Czech Premium Pale Lager 34 L 5.29% 30.41
    140 0
      Grisette Saison 31 L 5.66% 26.09
    65 0
      Kölsch kalendář 2021 v III Bratislava24 Kölsch 34 L 5.14% 26.1
    35 0