Yakima Valley Hops - Willamette - Hops | Brewer's Friend
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Yakima Valley Hops - Willamette

Description: "One of the most prevalent hops grown in the United States that accounts for nearly 20% of the hop crop. Willamette is the daughter of Fuggle and carries with it the same pepper and spice. It is primarily used as an aroma hop due to its low Alpha Acid content, which usually sits around 4-6%. Works really well when brewing darker styles for the colder months. "

Most Used In:

Style Uses Avg. Usage Usage Range
American Porter1269%31% - 100%
American Pale Ale1247%20% - 100%
Blonde Ale1157%3% - 100%
American Amber Ale1081%50% - 100%
Irish Red Ale952%33% - 100%
American IPA844%24% - 73%
Specialty IPA: New England IPA716%8% - 24%
American Brown Ale752%33% - 100%
Strong Bitter660%20% - 100%
Cream Ale679%42% - 100%
American Stout671%33% - 100%
Russian Imperial Stout537%22% - 50%
Vienna Lager563%50% - 100%