Android App Updates - Brewer's Friend
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Android App Updates

Monday, February 20th, 2017

CaptureIt’s been a LONG time coming, but we’re excited to announce that we’ve updated our Android app!  It was very overdue for some improvements, so we started by fixing some of the more serious issues, including:

  • Fixes for crashing bugs
  • Better, more reliable recipe syncing with the cloud
  • General stability improvements

We also brought it up to speed with the latest BJCP 2015 style guidelines.  This means you can create recipes in the latest styles on the app and also that recipes coming from your Brewer’s Friend account will sync properly now.

We know we’ve had a rocky road with the Android app, and we REALLY appreciate everyone’s patience, and especially the feedback and testing you’ve helped us with.  We know there are lots of other very important requests and serious issues we still need to address, but we anticipate this is just the first step of many we’ll be taking.  We plan to continue releasing updates regularly now that we’ve gotten back on track, so please stay tuned for more announcements to come.

If you’re an Android user and haven’t tried it, you can check it out on Google Play here:


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