How to Plant Hops for Home Brewing - Brewer's Friend
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How to Plant Hops for Home Brewing

Friday, March 20th, 2009

Planting hops is a straight forward process. This article will walk you through what to consider when planting your hops. If you have not done so already, see our article on planning out your hops yard. You will need an area that is sunny, has good drainage, high quality soil, and a place for the hops to climb. Planting is best done in early spring when the threat of frost is gone, but not after May.

To plant the rhizomes, first dig a hole about one foot deep and one foot around. It is recommended to space plants at least five feet apart, but plants of the same variety can be three feet apart. Make sure to write down where each rhizome is located if you are planting different varieties.

holes for hops planting

Fill the hole with compost 2/3 of the way, then top it off with high quality potting soil. Any kind of compost, commercial fertilizer or manure will do. Put the rhizome about two inches under the soil in a little mound, horizontal, or vertically with the buds pointing up.

holes for hops planting

Cover the rhizome and give it a dose of water. Make sure to water it regularly for the whole season, but don’t soak it.

holes for hops planting

In the first season do not expect much growth. In a few months the first vines will emerge.

Only in the following summer will the vines really take off and start to yield a high number of cones that can be dried and used in the kettle!

  1. 8 Responses to “How to Plant Hops for Home Brewing”

  2. thanks. This was the most helpful information I could find anywhere on how to plant hops.

    By Carol on Apr 10, 2009

  3. Thanks Carol,
    My new plants already have shoots coming up after only about two weeks! I’ll make a new post and include some pictures soon.


    By Larry on Apr 11, 2009

  4. HI,
    I just started growing my self.
    I have 6 rhizomes. 2 won’t seem to sprout at all.
    any ideas?

    By Ed on Jun 13, 2009

  5. Hi Ed,
    Congrats on planting rhizomes!

    As for the two that have not sprouted, it would depend on several things:
    Time of planting relative to first frost (if you planted them too early they could have been harmed, if you planted them late they may be totally confused).
    The condition they were in when the arrived – could have been DOA.
    The quality of the soil they were planted in.
    How much water they got.
    How deep they were planted.

    I think it is probably too late in the season to try again with new rhizomes for this year. I have read you can plant in the fall as well.

    By admin on Jun 14, 2009

  6. Is it to late to plantin Colorado? June 6th???

    By Mark on Jun 6, 2012

  7. If you can still get rhizomes, I’d ask the rhizome seller for their opinion. You can probably plant them anytime (since plants figure it out on their own), but it is getting late.

    By Larry on Jun 6, 2012

  1. 2 Trackback(s)

  2. Apr 19, 2009: Baby Hops Sprout Pictures | Brewer's Friend
  3. May 13, 2011: hops plant

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