pedal2kettle - Brewer Profile | Brewer's Friend
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Brewer's Profile


    Join Date: 03/31/19
    Public: 24
    Brew Sessions
    Ready To Drink
    All Gone

    0 Brewing Contributions for "2024"

    Includes Recipes, Brew Sessions, Inventory, Brew Logs and Tank Logs

    Shared Recipes
      Title Style Size ABV IBU Color Views Brewed
      Hoppy Hemp No Profile Selected 16.5 gal 5.22% 31.79
    494 1
      Sour Grapes Belgian Golden Strong Ale 5.75 gal 8.9% 29.17
    488 1
      Ardennes IPA Specialty IPA: White IPA 6 gal 5.89% 53.25
    356 0
      Mark's Citra Pale No Profile Selected 6 gal 5.69% 25.36
    327 1
      Dank Pale Ale American Pale Ale 6 gal 4.8% 37.53
    277 1
      Rice Rice Baby German Leichtbier 6.25 gal 3.84% 24.06
    247 1
      Cosmic Debris v2 Double IPA 6 gal 7.77% 80.11
    244 0
      Polish Meoff American Pale Ale 5.5 gal 4.79% 37.28
    236 1
      Super Session No Profile Selected 6.25 gal 4.09% 21.72
    235 2
      Bia Hop Hoi American Light Lager 5.5 gal 4.1% 0
    228 0
      Rosemary Pale Ale American Pale Ale 6 gal 6.16% 35.96
    226 1
      Best Bitter Best Bitter 6 gal 4.22% 32.73
    225 1
      Hazy Angel No Profile Selected 6.25 gal 5.58% 26.6
    220 1
      Rye Harvest Pils Czech Premium Pale Lager 6 gal 5.52% 43.95
    215 1
      Yugen Imperial IPA 5.75 gal 8.12% 115.53
    213 0
      Joose Diffuse No Profile Selected 6 gal 6.04% 19.86
    208 0
      Fresh Sesh No Profile Selected 6 gal 4.68% 0
    207 0
      It Must be Belgian Belgian Dubbel 6 gal 6.94% 17.12
    207 1
      Rye Pale Ale American Pale Ale 6 gal 5.55% 39.89
    201 0
      2 Trued Wheels American Light Lager 5.5 gal 6.52% 85.36
    198 0
      The Bitter End American Pale Ale 5.5 gal 5.27% 31.96
    194 0
      Baby Joose No Profile Selected 6 gal 4.52% 25.48
    187 1
      Quarantine Aged Angst No Profile Selected 6 gal 6.71% 46.25
    185 0
      Lesser of Two Evils No Profile Selected 6 gal 6.31% 22.11
    177 0
    Brew Sessions
    Title Style Brew Day Phase Type