This came out pretty good - not what I expected though. Pre dry hop, tasted amazing - orange, tangerine, pineapple, general citrus. After the dry hop with Amarillo and Cashmere, picked up on some heavy pine/herbal character. Caught me off guard but after doing some research, I think the Amarillo brought that to the table. Still a good beer, but won't be using Amarillo anytime soon.
In regards to the honey malt, I think i'd drop that to 1% for future use. It made the beer a tad too dark for my liking. Still tasty and not overly sweet, but I was shooting for a particular color and I surpassed it.
UPDATE 6-11-2021 : The herbal/piney character that I was picking up has aged out pretty nicely. It's still there slightly but not like it was. It has become like this big fruit salad almost. It's definitely still got the orange, tangerine, pineapple flavor but also like a peach and apricot thing kind of going on as well. I think this is aging and blending together beautifully.
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Last Updated: 2021-06-11 20:02 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Pratt Brewing NEIPA
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Pratt Brewing NEIPA
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
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Cost $
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