Ferment at 15 PSI for 3-4 days, then at around 1.020 raise it to 30 PSI to carbonate. Add gelatine to the keg, transfer it in, let it clarify for a few days until pulls clear.
Went okay, did it while working. Ended up with ~24L of 1.052 wort. Would have been higher if I boiled down to 23 like planned, but boil off was lower then expected.
Still getting odd readings on the refractometer. its calibrated. I'd blame stratification but I really stired the wort up before taking them. I had read 1.055 at knockout but was 1.052 with hydro. Validated hydro is RO water to be 1.000.
Pitched at ~ 1PM, 22c, lager yeast :o 15 PSI on it and spunding valve attached. Test here is if its gonna taste good even at these temps. I dont have control batch, so it'll really be a "do i like this beer"
Hoping for a clean ferment. Will see when activity starts. Starter was 100G/L and was 1.5L, so ~ 300 Billion cells i think. not lager pitch rates!
Day 7 sample tasted fairly clean, looks like 1.012 or so for gravity.
Brew #2, got the OG higher. Brewday good, sample pulled cleared out so wort should be nice. Ended up with 23 L on the nose. Pitched around 2, gonna keep it at 15psi whole time, finish up carbing in the keg while it clarifies.
Did a hands off brew day, like hour of mash, 75m of boil to get volume lower. Changed recipe up as I had some warrior kicking around, used it for bitters and just moved all the sazz to 15m
Day 8 sample. about 1.016? Not 100% sure but that or 1.015. Sample was okay, clearly needs some time to clean up, didn't taste amazing. Last brew of this took a while in the keg before it was good. Plan is to let it be in the fermenter until friday, cold crash over the weekend, then rack to purged keg with gelatine. between CC and time in keg to clear, I'm expecting it to be delicious!
To note, no off flavours. Found it a bit bitter, but it was warm and not carbed. Some youngish flavours i can't describe, might have just been yeast in suspension.
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Last Updated: 2022-07-06 16:25 UTC
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