What's your next brew

If there's any saltwater, it's a coast. Churchill MB is on the coast. Saskatoon is not.
Assuming my Maris Otter comes brewing the @AHarper Dubbel Saturday after I cover a baseball game.

Mine is just starting to bottom out. It's at 1.010 and 7.1%. May go a couple of points more but not much, Will have it bottled by the next zoom - along with a California Common that's just terminating too.
Pretty cool geography here, we are 2 hours or less driving distance to 3 of the 5 Great Lakes! We mostly venture to Lake Huron, several great Ontario Parks (camping) on "Ontario's West Coast".
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So where are you Craig? My best friend's brother lives in Cambridge. That can't be far from where you are - according to your map there.
So where are you Craig? My best friend's brother lives in Cambridge. That can't be far from where you are - according to your map there.
I am in Cambridge!
Brewed this https://www.brewersfriend.com/homebrew/recipe/view/1146240/anzac-ale

No chill in the kettle overnight gunna co pitch framgarden and 34/70 together pitch at 18c under 15psi pressure and let it go .

@Yooper as per your no chill question this is how i put my kettle to bed:p I run the pump 15before knockout to sanitize hoses pump ect.
So far so good I've found using this method.
Then tomorrow I'll expect high 20's C I'll transfer via pump into fermentor already in chamber - set chiller to 18 Then let the yeast at it when temp reached;).

Lucky the baby ain't in the bath eh:D just noticed that lol!
My next 3 will be British style so I can stretch 1 pouch of Imperial Pub. Probably a Hobgoblin inspired ale, a Bitter and an ESB. IF I’m able to stretch that slurry for another it will be another bitter or I may try an English IPA. I’m loaded with British ingredients right now. I won’t brew until the @AHarper Dubbel is fermented.
After brewing yesterday, I've now completed the first round of the recipe kits that I bought (brewed 2.5 gal at a time). 4 beers brewed with only half of a packet of US05 yeast, saving and repitching the slurry, or racking onto the yeast cake. Now I think I'm going to do it all again, but with S04. Cream ale -> blond ale -> amber ale -> brown ale over the next few weeks. For my 1 gallon brew I'm doing an IPA next :)
As Alan's Mannequin Pees takes off (from 1.068 to 1.057 in about 20 hours...) I'm thinking of dropping a tablespoon of S04 slurry into the half-gallon of Aldi apple juice, just to have as an alternative to Hefeweitzen, Chardonnay, Gin & Tonic, and commercial beers.
Brewing a 6% El Dorado IPA.
I copied my Cit Ruby Cit recipe, scaled down a wee bit and swapped all but the Magnum bittering addition for El Dorado. Want turn this around quick so it is getting the VOSS treatment:D
I’ll be brewing a Hobgoblin from a BYO recipe. Will be swapping the chocolate for pale chocolate since that’s what i have. I’ll pitch a whole pack of yeast and use the massive amount of slurry for 3 more british style beers. Then off to a new yeast for 3 brews.
