What's your next brew

Plan on making a best bitter next weekend. Going to sub out my usual medium crystal for an extra dark crystal. My next few brews will be British as I’ll be using up slurry from the beer being fermented now
How's the liquid yeast game been treating you Josh?
How's the liquid yeast game been treating you Josh?
Imperial pub with the same grist and hops, has been better than any other British beer I’ve brewed before. I love it. The fruity esters that i taste in English beers is closer with Pub. I am tempted to try other liquid yeasts particularly Imperial Darkness for Irish Stout. I’ve been using slurry for a while so I jut treat the liquid pouch the same.

I still have some British yeast a buddy across the pond sent me :) that I will try later this summer I am excited for that.
Imperial pub with the same grist and hops, has been better than any other British beer I’ve brewed before. I love it. The fruity esters that i taste in English beers is closer with Pub. I am tempted to try other liquid yeasts particularly Imperial Darkness for Irish Stout. I’ve been using slurry for a while so I jut treat the liquid pouch the same.

I still have some British yeast a buddy across the pond sent me :) that I will try later this summer I am excited for that.

Hi Josh, I have just done a Stout that works pretty well with a British yeast - S04 in fact -
For what my word is worth, I would go the 2 packets / 7.5 gal. route. It may take a day or two more to work out but I believe US05 is pretty reliable. you then save $5 for the next brew.
I agree with two packets. At 1068 you should be sure to get some O2 into it. I don't think that you need actual O2, but I would either make sure you have a good aerating splash at transfer or give it a good shake.
Hmm, I have two recipes in my storage box right now. One all-grain, one extract. The extract is Rapier Wit (my go-to for porch sippin beer) and the all-grain is McSorley's Black and Tan Ale. The McSorley's calls for Irish Ale Yeast (liquid) or US-05 (dry). I have some English ale yeast in the fridge that I need to use. Should I have any reservations about English Ale Yeast substituting for Irish Ale Yeast? Have never had McSorley's before, so have no clue what it's supposed to look or taste like. One of my 'wild hair' excursions and experiments. I'd brew both since the Rapier is so easy to brew, but don't have a 3rd fermenter.
There are very few exceptions to the Homebrewer Substitution Rule "It's what I had on hand". Irish and English ale yeasts are close enough to each other to make it a good substitution. So, it won't drastically change the flavor.
I just put COVID Operation in the fermenter with VOSS, have to put some thought into what is next, maybe my 4.3% hazy. With the warmer weather just about here now, something tasty and crushable might be in order.
I brewed a split batch over the weekend. Did 100% Briess Malt Gems Pilsner and Cascade pellets. 8 gallons of wort into 2 fermenters, one got London III and the other got Munich Lager. OG 1.051 and both are around 1.015 today. Should come in around 4.9% ABV. Didn't really intend on them being smash beers, but oh well, it'll be fun to taste the difference between the yeasts.
Gonna bottle a batch of Rapier Wit tomorrow, harvest the yeast cake, and put another Rapier Wit back on. This batch ran a LONG ferment in comparison to all the others I've done, and was an extremely active ferment up front. It just kept on bubblin'. This batch had the fresh starter in it, and now I'm gonna see if I can tell the difference in that versus a slurry pitch from this one. Otherwise, the recipes are IDENTICAL. Got a porter to bottle up soon too. It quit bubbling a couple days ago, but I don't have a problem letting them sit an extra week or so just to make sure the lil' yeasties have done all they're gonna do.
Ginger NINGER :).
Brewed it last year twice going to try and stick to the grist gunna no chill in the kegmentor overnight and drop a bag of ginger and Tumeric to cool down with it overnight then let some of that saison yeast at it and smash it out at 21c and once fermenting let it free rise.
Oh actually I'll sub the crystal 40 with Munich and the flaked oats with wheat ha ha!
Oh and I'll double up on the Tumeric it should hopefully give off a yellow orange colour in the beer we shall see aye
To me turmeric tastes like mustard, a flavor I can't abide by in a beer. But ginger? Sure.
