You know you did it wrong when...

I had it minutes before and had it right near the stove. I started freaking out about what to do without a lid, started to look everywhere but no lid! Looked on top of cupboards, in them, in the sink, on the floor, kitchen table, even wondered if I took it with me when I went to the basement for my mash paddle. I found the lid on the stairs going up to the 2nd floor. My toddler grabbed it off the counter and ran off with it when I wasn't looking.

This happens to me all the time. Sad part for me is that I don't have toddlers anymore to explain how something got from here to there o_O
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I have a lid for a 16G kettle that more often than not when it comes time for boil I can't find for love nor money. That is sitting right in front of me.
I did use a BIAB calculator. Chances are I just input something wrong

Never used it. As long as it gives you total mash volume and not just water volume you should be OK. The BIAB calculators I've used just gave water volume.
Never used it. As long as it gives you total mash volume and not just water volume you should be OK. The BIAB calculators I've used just gave water volume.
It gave a mash volume so either one of the other volumes are off or their formula for displacement is off
I don't know if you've ever used @Pricelessbrewing calculator, but it's about the best you'll find out there. I always used it in conjunction with brewersfriend because it covers the bases that BF doesn't imo.
Guess it goes without saying now but... have your bag in place in the kettle and then stir in your grains.
Yep, used a different calculator. This one would have told me it was a bad idea. Atleast I know. I guess I'll have stick with my previous method until I finally upgrade my kettle
Not sure this qualifies as did it wrong but just hit my strike temp so I lowered in the grain bag. This was the first oops but not the big oops. I've been doing 5 gallon BIAB batches in a 7 gallon kettle. I know it's a stretch so I typically plan my mash and boil to target 4 gallons in the fermenter and then I top it off to 5 as if it were an extract batch. I've had 2 batches come out very well this way but I decided today to chance it and target 5 gallons going into the fermenter, basically trying to push the envelope just to see if I could. Thought I had the mash volume calculated just right but I got some, not a ton though, of overflow.

So that was the first oops, this is the thing that had me panicking:
I get everything set with bag and I go for the lid to cover it so I can put a blanket over the whole thing and I couldn't find my lid!! I had it minutes before and had it right near the stove. I started freaking out about what to do without a lid, started to look everywhere but no lid! Looked on top of cupboards, in them, in the sink, on the floor, kitchen table, even wondered if I took it with me when I went to the basement for my mash paddle. I found the lid on the stairs going up to the 2nd floor. My toddler grabbed it off the counter and ran off with it when I wasn't looking. Took it rinsed it off good and now I'm in business. Now just need to hope I don't boil over, that'll be the real test.
Love it! Cheeky little #$@$&:D:D!
Trying a ph test strip with a porter....pretty useless, lol. I'll be using my LaMotte meter on the next batch.
Not to mention that even if you could read it, it's totally useless.... :D:D
When you transfer your beer into fermentor only to find the silicon O ring is missing from camlock when transfer is done. It's in the fermentor somewhere now!:D
I knew this would have to happen one of these days!

Just gotta remember to search the trub once batch is done now:rolleyes:.
So just noticed this not sure when or how it happened.

Fortunately I have a spare lid (just need to drill it for the grommet) and I just got a new fermenter for Christmas. Unfortunately with the holidays I don't really know how many days the lid has been cracked
Bummer but not the end of the world.
