You know you did it wrong when...

Only reason I would stress about a crack is detritus getting in there, my fermonsters never properly sealed and they made great beer.
I just kept a plug in it and the CO2 leaked out through the seals. I still used them for over a year and have them as backup fermenters right now.

Woops, wrong picture.
I just kept a plug in it and the CO2 leaked out through the seals. I still used them for over a year and have them as backup fermenters right now.

View attachment 13408
Yeah so that lid hasn't sealed completely since my brown ale almost blew it off. I've done 3 fermentations (all with S-05) since then and only 1 showed any kind of airlock activity. So yeah I guess it's not the air so much as debris or microbes that I'm worried about
When you transfer your beer into fermentor only to find the silicon O ring is missing from camlock when transfer is done. It's in the fermentor somewhere now!:D
I knew this would have to happen one of these days!

Just gotta remember to search the trub once batch is done now:rolleyes:.
Oh just for a laugh and recap on this.
I let the Chooks out for a graze of the lawn the other day and when i was pushing them back in to their pen one of them stopped then picked up this round white grub looking thing out of the grass.
This piqued my interest oh and BTW I've got my little 4month old girl swinging in one arm.
So I follow the Chooks into their pen to get a better look at this grub the chook can't seem to kill and swallow it's then I realize aye that's my Silicon O ring GIVE IT BACK!

So here am I kid in one arm charging around the chook pen trying to get this O ring off the chook. It wasn't giving it up without a Fight! Every time I went left itd go right and so forth.
I ended up throwing a stick at it in desperation plus the poor girl is getting flung about In my arm I had to end it right there. Well the chook jumped clear of the stick gave out an Upset Cluck and yay she said have your stupid O ring.

Now I pocketed that O ring after doing my victory Dance and now I've lost it again :(:p!
I think I'm going to order a pack of them lol...
Great to get babies out into nature. When my youngest was an infant, I'd take her out to the garden when she was fussy and crush bits of herbs and hold them to her nose. She'd quiet down quickly. Turned out to be a great cook too, and does particularly well when seasoning with herbs.
Great to get babies out into nature. When my youngest was an infant, I'd take her out to the garden when she was fussy and crush bits of herbs and hold them to her nose. She'd quiet down quickly. Turned out to be a great cook too, and does particularly well when seasoning with herbs.
Heck I'll make sure she smells all my beers then hopefully will turn out to be a great Brewer;):D
Heck I'll make sure she smells all my beers then hopefully will turn out to be a great Brewer;):D
I'm the youngest of 4 and the moment I turned 16 I became designated driver for my family when they went wine tasting. My sister let me smell all of her samples and taught me some wine tasting lingo. I like to think it helped develop my pallette, but unfortunately for wine, not beer...
You know you did it wrong when the starter you made from yeast harvested from a local brewery's cans comes out purple. (-ish)
Perhaps I should have practiced some basic sanitation?
Should mention that was after my bottling bucket that I had at an extreme tilt to get the last couple bottles out fell off the table and all over. And way after I started my bottling day freaked out because there were spots off blood all over the basement floor. Apparently I cut my toe somewhere but was glad to know I didn't get blood in anything. Like I said bottling day was rough...
Should mention that was after my bottling bucket that I had at an extreme tilt to get the last couple bottles out fell off the table and all over. And way after I started my bottling day freaked out because there were spots off blood all over the basement floor. Apparently I cut my toe somewhere but was glad to know I didn't get blood in anything. Like I said bottling day was rough...

You should name it "Bloody Toe". It could be a companion beer to @Craigerrr's Bloody Finger. :p
