The grain I want to use is not listed - help!

this might help ya mate! You can add a customised malt just use maltsters specks for information on,PPG and lovibond of malt.


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Thanks Trialben

I was aware of the option to add various malts.

However, it seems that brewers (and those that use grains sourced from ) USA , Belgium, Finland, Germany, Ireland and UK don't have to go to the trouble of researching and entering the specs of malts they work with.

I do realise that here in Oz, we do have some of the above malts available, however, I pay the same amount for Premium Membership as any body else and would expect the same level of service. It would be a different matter if I was using Brewers Friend for free.

I'm not asking for the inclusion of speciality malts ( though that would be welcomed), just Australian base malts.

This issue of expanding the malt options was raised back in 2013 and by my understanding, zilch has been done since.
With the exchange rate we pay more !
Remember we are in the minority here so can't expect a business to change just to suit us , from what I understand the crux of it is the "Buy now " function that the site employs .
Many of our malts have a direct parity with malts already in system but adding your own takes a few seconds , its the silly units used here by many that bug me more !
I see they have added some Gladfield malts, but I often use local malts as my base and adding them as a custom fermentable gives me a diastatic power of 0! The spec sheet for the malt gives 375...
Yes, you would have to enter that DP number from the maltster. It defaults to 0 because we don't know which malt you are adding. The DP number there is in degrees Lintner. If your malt is given to you in WK (most European malts), it needs to be converted to Lintner. The formula is as follows: WK=3.5*Lintner – 16
why don"t you send a message to Brewer's friend, via the contact area, and ask them too? Couldn't hurt, and I am sure that they want to be as all inclusive and up to date as possible.
I know cervesa and bano(squiggly mark).
Pretty basic. Yoop will have to help this fellow brewer out.
Hi, I have just used trial version and grains were sorted by country and by Simpsons (UK) by brand.
Now I buy Premium Member, but the list of grains is lost, it is not logical now. In the trial version, Simpson's grain is a whole range, now it's nothing. Why? Have a Premium Member just for a list of recipes, but do not know how to set up a recipe, why is it?
Thank you for your answer
Most of the grains are kept generic on purpose since it would be very difficult to have a list of every grain available. There are a few in the list that are specific to the supplier. If you type in the name "Simpson" it will show you all that is available from them. If what you need isn't in the list and isn't comparable to a generic malt you can use the "Add Custom" button to input all the details of the grain you want to use.

Thank you for your post.
But in the trial version, it's easier to use English grains, so it's in the UK list, if I want German, then GERMANY, US US, now I bought premium and it's in confusion, I'm from Europe, we use EBC, not SRM , I do not use PPG. In TRIAL version I had everything I needed and everything was accurate. In premium, I have to look for what kind of grain I really want to use.
Thank you for your post.
But in the trial version, it's easier to use English grains, so it's in the UK list, if I want German, then GERMANY, US US, now I bought premium and it's in confusion, I'm from Europe, we use EBC, not SRM , I do not use PPG. In TRIAL version I had everything I needed and everything was accurate. In premium, I have to look for what kind of grain I really want to use.

You can still use the 'generic' version of the grains if you would like. We are doing some updates right now, and it should get easily sorted very very soon.
Has it been a long time since you used the trial? I'm not seeing any difference being logged in vs. not logged in on how the the recipe generator currently works. You can change the settings to EBC if you prefer that. Just click on the "MORE..." button near the top. You can also change the default settings in your account to use EBC under Profile>General settings.


They are working on ways to better search the malts and include more brands. I'm not sure how having the country of origin is more helpful than finding the specific malt brand. If the brand you use isn't in there yet then it will have to be added as custom and it looks like they are using that info to verify and add more brands to the database.

Here is some more info. Maybe this would be a good place to add your input.
The generics have lost their country tags in recipe creator, so they are currently hard (impossible) to find and use.
