make searching malts easier


Well-Known Member
Trial Member
Sep 21, 2015
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Can the recipe editor fermentables drop down search function search for all words and not specific phrases?

So when I'm searching for malts in the drop down.. I type in "German pilsner" or whatever, no results pop up.

but if I search "German - pilsner" with the hyphen in there, then in pops up... it would be nice if it didn't search for exact phrase which HAS to have the hyphen in there.

adding malster names and country of origin to the search could help too. Search for "rahr American 2-row" or "American 2-row" or "2-row rahr"... words in any order all find the same thing.
I agree. We'll be changing that list up to include maltster/name/country in a better format.

Any update on when this will be added?

I'd say my number one frustration with the BF software is the ambiguity of the grains. For instance, in designing a recipe I have the option of Dark Munich- German 10L and Munich Dark- German 16L. Is Weyermann Munich Type 2 the Dark Munich or the Munich Dark? Without going to the maltsters website I don't know which one I have on hand.
Any update on when this will be added?

I'd say my number one frustration with the BF software is the ambiguity of the grains. For instance, in designing a recipe I have the option of Dark Munich- German 10L and Munich Dark- German 16L. Is Weyermann Munich Type 2 the Dark Munich or the Munich Dark? Without going to the maltsters website I don't know which one I have on hand.

We still plan to add it. The issue has been that since the maltsters do have the information usually but not in a format we can upload to the software, it has to be done 100% by hand. Each individual malt and maltster has to be added one by one- a huge amount of hours. That's been the issue- it could easily take 50-100 hours to add them.
Weyermann Type 2 is 10L, Type 1 is 5L... I select the one that says Dark Munich in the recipe editor because it's listed as 10L.
We still plan to add it. The issue has been that since the maltsters do have the information usually but not in a format we can upload to the software, it has to be done 100% by hand. Each individual malt and maltster has to be added one by one- a huge amount of hours. That's been the issue- it could easily take 50-100 hours to add them.
is it at all possible to ensla--- I mean enlist users to input the data, send it to the mods for a copy paste situation? Or somehow let us enter our own malts into the system that would editable?
is it at all possible to ensla--- I mean enlist users to input the data, send it to the mods for a copy paste situation? Or somehow let us enter our own malts into the system that would editable?

We've been discussing how to do this- I'll keep you posted.
dear mods, i love you, i see the malts changing in the recipe editor showing the malster instead of a general country of origin... The only request on this... When i search for malts, i have to search for an exact phrase.

For example: i have to search exactly for "2-row (briess)" to find 2-row. What would be nice is if it could find by any combination of key words, wehther that be "2-row briess" "briess 2-row" "briess 2" "2 briess" etc etc.

also, are Rahr malts being added?
I don't see anything wrong with the current situation: I start typing and it searches ahead. For example, if I type "acid" into the box, I have acidulated malt selectable. I don't know that it's necessary to put each potential maltster in the listings, in fact, I think it would be counterproductive. Is there a difference between Briess, Rahr and, say, Root Shoot malts? Probably not enough in purely objective terms to justify the clutter of having 4 (or n) choices for 2-row malt.
Yes, we are adding the brands (like Rahr) as we get the data, but it can also be added by the user which is a huge help to us!

We should go live with these features tomorrow, and I've found that search for malts is really easy. You can type "pale malt" and get a list of different brands, or you can search by Briess, etc.
We are now discussing ways to make the search more intuitive and flexible.

Thanks @oliver for bringing this up.

PS- we love you too!
Is there a way of each of us users creating a favourites list? Personally, I could then create a list of everything that my two local shops has to select from when working in recipe edit mode. I do 95% of this on my phone and the look function is brutal when looking for a particular malt (this is likely more to do with my phone than BF). Same would be helpful with yeast, and hops ...

Keep up the great work BF peeps!
Is there a way of each of us users creating a favourites list? Personally, I could then create a list of everything that my two local shops has to select from when working in recipe edit mode. I do 95% of this on my phone and the look function is brutal when looking for a particular malt (this is likely more to do with my phone than BF). Same would be helpful with yeast, and hops ...

Keep up the great work BF peeps!

That's a great idea! I'll put this on our wishlist!
Thanks Yooper!
