I brewed today!

I brewed a Vienna Lager today and this is what always gets me look at the big horizontal site glass at the bottom then the color of the hoses then the middle kettle vertical site glass which is the actual color of the beer, I did a no chill with this one, very slow going started at 165F

I brewed a Lagunitas IPA clone tonight, except that I kind of went off the reservation and doubled up on a lot of the hop additions. Hope that I didn't ruin it! Hit all my numbers on the button tonight, mash temp, mash pH, preboil volume, preboil gravity, post boil volume, and OG. What I am most excited about is that I have got my fermenting fridge operational with the inkbird controller. Temp set to 65F
I brewed a Lagunitas IPA clone tonight, except that I kind of went off the reservation and doubled up on a lot of the hop additions. Hope that I didn't ruin it! Hit all my numbers on the button tonight, mash temp, mash pH, preboil volume, preboil gravity, post boil volume, and OG. What I am most excited about is that I have got my fermenting fridge operational with the inkbird controller. Temp set to 65F
Awesome stuff there Craig looks like your hitting your groove now mate. OnyA!
Looks like were all brewing my kolcsh went to plan brewed an extra 2 lt to batch size I've put it into a cleaned growler flask straight from boiling kettle a small test to see if I can save brew wort for starters this way. Looks good in the hydro flask it's up to the yeastie now to do their thing.
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Brewd my Irish today. 2nd brew on new system. Some things better than the first, some things not....I did make beer.

All in all, pretty happy, needs to be a bit more red I think, but the post boil sample dropped pretty clear.
Brewd my Irish today. 2nd brew on new system. Some things better than the first, some things not....I did make beer.

All in all, pretty happy, needs to be a bit more red I think, but the post boil sample dropped pretty clear.
Must be a bit of a learning curve brewing on a new system especially going from gas to electric like I think you did? Boil off losses hitting strike temp. Only way to iron out them creases is brew more beer:)!
Must be a bit of a learning curve brewing on a new system especially going from gas to electric like I think you did? Boil off losses hitting strike temp. Only way to iron out them creases is brew more beer:)!

I think the biggest thing is before the last 2 brews it had been almost 2 years, so I have no rhythm right now.

Second is the plate chiller just does not fit into this systems brew day flow, so I am going back to an IC
Brewed this brulosophy copy of their latest exbeerment recipie or close to anyway I think my chocolate malt is darker lol.https://www.brewersfriend.com/homebrew/recipe/view/726286/alt-termaetum.
Love the look of this nice coppery wort tastes good too. Its amazing how little dark malt can shade a brew. I stopped post mash for 4 hours on this brew session so will be interesting how it pans out sux I denatured wort before hand might have go a point or more out of it....
Brewed a Lagunitas IPA clone today. When I last brewed it I got excited and doubled up on all of the boil hop additions. The plan was to brew it to the recipe this time, but... I had kegged that batch earlier in the week, and had the first sample of it last night, deeeelish! So I decided to repeat the doubling of the hops today. I guess it isn't really a Lagunitas IPA "clone" anymore.
Brewed a Lagunitas IPA clone today. When I last brewed it I got excited and doubled up on all of the boil hop additions. The plan was to brew it to the recipe this time, but... I had kegged that batch earlier in the week, and had the first sample of it last night, deeeelish! So I decided to repeat the doubling of the hops today. I guess it isn't really a Lagunitas IPA "clone" anymore.

Nothing wrong with some extra hops.
Cucumber Gose is in the fermentor. Tuesday I get to peel and mash 2 pounds of cucumbers to go in it. Wort tastes great, just enough salt, nice coriander and juniper berry spicing. I may really like this beer!
I was talked into trying a cucumber beer a few years ago. Can't remember if it was at a brewery in San Diego or in Portland, but I loved it. I would think it would take the edge off of a salty brew like Gose. That's one I wouldn't mind trying.
The wort tastes nice. No cucumber in it yet, that waits until Tuesday.
I brewed a mild Belgian Ale today. Mainly 2 row but added vienna, munich,and a bit of briess extra special, victory and C-40. I was worried about it being to muddled with grains but with 29 IBU it seems to taste promising. Sort of a copy of 1 of Palmers recipes from his book. Maybe he did know what he was doing with 6 different malts.:rolleyes:
Doughed in on an American amber ale.
Amarillo, citra, and some lupulin ekuanot. Never used that last one so interested in seeing how it works out
Brewed a Great Lakes Christmas Ale Clone today, decided to do a dunk sparge instead of the pour over the suspended bag method I have used to date. Preboil gravity was 12 points high, assuming increased efficiency, but the OG ended up only 3 points high at 1075.
Pitched at 68F, set fermentation chamber temp to 67F, used a blow off tube, haven't used Escarpment Labs English Ale yeast before.
