
  1. T

    Ancient Cave Water Oatmeal Stout

    Greetings all, After yesterday’s brew day (and 1 too many homebrews), me and my buddies came up with a plan for our next brew day. I understand stouts are made with hard mineral-y water, so we thought that perhaps a good idea is to harvest the water from an underground cave waterfall near us...
  2. L

    Help Understanding "Quick Water Requirements"

    Hello fellow brewers, I am a fairly new to the Brewersfriend recipe builder, so any guidance is appreciated here for sure. I have noticed after setting mash thickness in the recipe builder, the calculation is changing quite a bit within the "Quick Water Requirements" section of the recipe...
  3. Toombstone

    Water Profile - drinking too much beer to understand

    Hey all, I'm about 100 Braumeister brews in and I would like to try customising the water (finally). I will start with RO water which I can get from the Reptile shop. I know what my water is and what my end water profile should be, but is there a way to tell me what ingredients to add to make...
  4. K

    Hefe Water Profile

    Hello! I have been studying up on changing your water profile and i'm going to do some alterations on my next brew for a Hefeweizen. I want to make a 5 gal batch (6.8 total water) and this is my profile: https://i.imgur.com/zFSi0Ew.png My question is, what do I put in for the water profile...
  5. Sunfire96

    Can I use old iodophor solution to water the garden?

    Assuming the color is faded, indicating the solution is no longer effective as a sanitizer, would there be any negative effects on the plants? I make it in 3 qt batches, and would be willing to use up to 2 additional qts to dilute it first if that meant being able to reuse it. I live in CA and...
  6. B

    quick chemistry calc question

    hey there! when specifying the grist properties on the mash chemistry calculator (https://www.brewersfriend.com/mash-chemistry-and-brewing-water-calculator), should I add my LME as a base malt? more specifically, I'm planning to add 3 pounds of an 8 lovibond malt extract to my brew after the...
  7. Christopher Brown

    Brewing Water Adjustments

    Hey guys! I've been brewing for just about two years but have been doing BIAB. I finally purchased the equipment to go full all-grain and fly sparge. When I brewed BIAB I had added my minerals to the entire volume of water to get the proper pH. What I'm confused with is how many minerals to add...
  8. H

    Does the recipe editor adjust the water chemistry based on the grain bill?

    I put in my water in the water calculator and then played with the salt additions to get to my targets. I then began my recipe and linked to the water I had created. In the recipe tool, water chemistry section, there is a line "overall water report" and I had blown way past all my targets...
  9. Christopher Brown

    Adjusting pH with lactic acid

    Does lactic acid make your beer sour?
  10. TigerDave

    Ward Labs water report: How to enter into Brewer's Friend?

    Hi all, new subscriber here. Homebrewing since 2016 and am now getting into the whole "water profile and ph" thing. I got my water report from Ward Labs but am unsure how to enter the values correctly into Brewer's Friend. I've searched the forums and FAQ's to no avail. My water report shows...
  11. Anth M

    Mini BIAB - mash / sparge water volumes

    Howdy, I'm an all grain mini-BIAB noob (done 2 brews) and have some questions about water quantities. Generally I mash in a 32L pot on the stove and do a dunk sparge (sometimes I rinse over the wort, what's better?) and I want to know if it matters how I split the mash and sparge water up? For...
  12. kaspar&piet

    Water treatment, NEIPA

    Hi, my beers have been fine so far and my next step is to start treating my water. The goal for my NEIPA is to lower sulfate and get more chloride since I was not happy with the mouthfeel and the hop bitterness was a bit harsh. I'm trying this by diluting with 10 l of distilled water (for...
  13. Texas Ale Works

    Water Report

    Just got back mt water report from Ward's Lab PH - 7.6 TDS - 140 Elect Con - 0.23 Cations/Anions - 2.4/2.2 Sodium, NA - 14 Potassium, K - 3 Calcium, Ca - 27 Magnesium, Mg - 4 Total Hardness, CaCO3 - 84 Nitrate, NO3-N - <0.1 Sulfate, SO4-S - 8 Chloride, Cl - 4 Carbonate, CO3 - <1 Bicarbonate...
  14. FNAT

    Treating Water

    Hello all, I am new to Brewers Friend and very new to treating my brewing water. Because of where I live I have decided to make RO water my base water. Specifically Pure Life water. I have been reading up on the internet and in books on how to treat brewing water to get the most out of the...
  15. J

    Searchable, linkable and taggable water reports

    It would be great if you could tag your water profiles and also tag them with country and region. As a logged in user I would like to be able to tag a water profile with a city, perhaps from a list like this: https://github.com/lutangar/cities.json And on the public web it would be neat if you...
  16. N0mad

    Water, water everywhere!

    I understand water chemistry is important for optimum results but like most in the "Beginners Brewing Forum" we have to crawl then walk before we can run. I use Ozarka Spring water in my brew and a detailed water report is available. At this time I'm only equipped to do 10 liter (2.6 gallon)...
  17. A

    Chlorine, chlorophenols and the boil phase

    The water where I live and brew is lightly chlorinated by the water authority - free chlorine but no chloramine; you can just taste it occasionally in a glass of water or smell it in the steam from a hot shower. I have always removed the free chlorine prior to brewing by either gassing off my...
  18. Medarius

    Weiss beer water profile?

    Greeting all, Have spent the last 2 hours searching and reading about water profiles and additions. I am planning on using R/O water for next batch of weiss beer and am having trouble finding a target profile for hefe/ weiss beers. I have seen alot for pilsners and stouts but not one that gives...
  19. BenMyton

    Mash Chemistry Calculator - Update Recipe

    Hey BF Team, It would be awesome if the additions that I selected/tweaked in a linked Mash Chemistry page would push back into the recipe I was editing as "Other Ingredients"! That would save the additions for future brews without having to load into the calculator, it would print them onto...
  20. H

    Improving Basic Water Calculator

    The basic water calculator can be improved to automatically determine the mass of salts that need to be added to hit a profile. This is because there are six target ions and six source salts so you can write a 6x6 matrix that converts input salts to output ions. Inverting this matrix and...
