You know you did it wrong when...

Have a sneaking suspicion I entered the wrong beer in a comp , supposed to be a German lager and think I might have submitted an APA
Both crates are next to each other and i was in a rush out the door
It would be funny but not surprising if you place
You know you've done it wrong when your bottles stark blowing up. Never done that. Well maybe once.
BIAB. You hit your strike water temp and pour your grains in. You know something feels weird. Where's the bag?? Oops!!!
When you find out hydrometers are fragile. This is a bad luck brew today!!
I broke it putting it in the sink. I felt the tiny little balls and knew something was wrong. Surprisingly, no blood!!
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Yeah, I knew that was inevitable.
At least i was gentle ! just bottled a batch and guess who spilled 2-3 bottles worth on the floor ?
same guy who sanitised the kitchen floor this morning after leaving a tap open ....floor was spotless and now i need to mop it again
Kind of like that angel's share and devil's cut, eh??
BIAB. You hit your strike water temp and pour your grains in. You know something feels weird. Where's the bag?? Oops!!!
You may be onto something. You would need 2 pots though. Mash in a pot without the bag then after your mash time pour it into another pot or bucket lined with your bag then pull it and let her drain. You can even have some sparge water in the second pot. Why would you do this? Well personally I have trouble mashing into the bag using my drill attached stirer
You may be onto something. You would need 2 pots though. Mash in a pot without the bag then after your mash time pour it into another pot or bucket lined with your bag then pull it and let her drain. You can even have some sparge water in the second pot. Why would you do this? Well personally I have trouble mashing into the bag using my drill attached stirer
I've done it this way practically the entire time I've done BIAB. Poured it into a bag lined bottling bucket with an upside down colander. You do have to worry about splash back when you pour though. Oh, and be careful of holding a hot wet 24 lbs or so. I should add I only have a 5 gallon kettle, anything more would be a bit hard to do I think
That's more or less how I recovered from my mistake. I used my original 6.5 gallon fermenting bucket, lined it with the bag, and dumped all of the water with the grains into it. The bucket was completely filled. Luckily, I realized my mistake before I dumped all of the grains in.
I've done it this way practically the entire time I've done BIAB. Poured it into a bag lined bottling bucket with an upside down colander. You do have to worry about splash back when you pour though. Oh, and be careful of holding a hot wet 24 lbs or so. I should add I only have a 5 gallon kettle, anything more would be a bit hard to do I think
What's the colander for?
It gives the water room to collect without having the grains sit in it. I do a similar thing when I pull my bag of grains out of the boil pot.
Like a false bottom
Why don't you want the grains in the water? A false bottom is so you can add heat without scorching which I don't think you would be doing in a bucket
