What are you drinking right now?

Nice to have four taps pouring!
Left to right
Coffee Porter 6%
Hazy 7.1%
ESB 5.5%
Cit Ruby Cit 6.1%

My not so mild Dark Mild, ABV 4% at 8 weeks. Decided to open the 2gal keg earlier than planned as after I tried the bottles it was never going to mature to what I intended. Regretting this action a little as way better out the keg. The bitterness has actually gone down within the overall taste which is quite good. Great body and mouthfeel. Might as well enjoy it now :cool:
Well I think @RoadRoach maybe gunna drop in later this year if things go to plan so ill let him be the judge of Good or not GF beer :D
Looks like it's gonna be the last week of July, Ben. Gonna do 10 days in Kiwi land have a bit of a sticky beak at a lotta things Hobbit and a lotta things Kiwi. It's all self-drive touring, so we got some planning to do between now and then. Then we're on to SA to get some stuff that the missus' folks left to her ready to ship back here (that won't be cheap!). Then up to QLD to see the SIL for the last 6 or 7 days and do a bit of the touristy stuff with my granddaughter that we did with the missus' kids 20 years ago. We've got the tix to Adelaide (with an extended stay in NZ) and from Brissy back home. Just haven't bothered with the domestic flight from Adelaide to Brissy yet. They don't change much, so no big rush to get 'em. We like Virgin Australia for domestic flights. Sir Richard Branson done good with that airline. Sure gives Qantas a run for their money and made 'em step up their game, too. Fun, efficient staff, some of the cleanest planes I've ever been on. Lots of commuter stuff between Adelaide and Brisbane. The in-laws said we could borrow their spare car, so shouldn't be any trouble at all getting over to your place. Her sister and BIL live about 20 minutes from you. Ain't no way I'm not coming over for a beer. We'll touch bases again after we get to SA and swap phone numbers, etc. Just make it easy on yourself. We won't have much planned for evenings in QLD.
Yeah that’s my Porter. I tried the syringe “fake nitro” trick. It works, by the way. :D
I do that a lot with English beers and my stout. It gets away from me as well. On those beers I usually have less co2 but hard to gage for me
