What are you drinking right now?

Marzen with White chili while the sleet/ice comes down.
I continue to struggle getting chocolate out of cacao nibs.
Try Hershey's syrup in addition to the nibs.
2 oz or so in 5 gallons at 'dry hop' time adds aroma and makes it more chocolatey. You can add more, but it does have sugar in it.
Try Hershey's syrup in addition to the nibs.
2 oz or so in 5 gallons at 'dry hop' time adds aroma and makes it more chocolatey. You can add more, but it does have sugar in it.
How about 2oz in the keg as I rack the beer on top of it? Set-it-and-forget-it carbonation, 1 week at 10-12 psi.

I’ve never tried syrup, but how thoroughly does it get mixed into the beer in primary? A big swirl of the fermenter might do it, I suppose. But I can just imagine a big glop of syrup that doesn’t mix and heads straight for the floor. :D
How about 2oz in the keg as I rack the beer on top of it? Set-it-and-forget-it carbonation, 1 week at 10-12 psi.

I’ve never tried syrup, but how thoroughly does it get mixed into the beer in primary? A big swirl of the fermenter might do it, I suppose. But I can just imagine a big glop of syrup that doesn’t mix and heads straight for the floor. :D
In the keg should also be good. Maybe better.

I was adding a bunch of toasted coconut at the same time so I just mixed it together as a sticky lump and plopped it in there. I'd think that as long as there is some movement in the wort, Brownian motion would eventually mix it in. But you make a valid point.
You are starting to concern me. :p

what are you doing with home brew today

I considered vanilla and even spent a fun evening testing different amounts of the Bourbon/Cacao nibs tincture with different amounts of vanilla on some store bought Porter. In the end I found the vanilla, while nice, was doing more to take away the Bourbon flavor then it was enhancing the chocolate. But I really don’t think the vanilla was the problem. I just don’t think the nibs ever gave much chocolate to begin with...nothing for the vanilla to help stand up. Next time I want chocolate, I’ll try another method, or a combination of methods.

I've had great results using cocoa powder towards the end of the boil. That along with the nibs would hopefully bring out some nice chocolatey notes.
Drinking the last of mybatch of cider.
The batch I thought might be infected.
But it is not.
Now entering a ciderless period, awaiting next batch.
Gotta increase batch size, or decrease drinking speed ;)
