What are you doing with homebrew today?

I had a very cool evening at the monthly meeting of the Cascade Brewers Society. There were about 35 people in attendance, many who are professionals at various breweries in Eugene. The speaker for the evening, promoting SNS (Shaken, Not Stirred) method of yeast starters was none other than the legendary Denny Conn, who is a member of CBS. There was a wide variety of homebrew to sample, some of which was very good. My wife joined me, and we had a fun evening amongst a great group of people.
I had a very cool evening at the monthly meeting of the Cascade Brewers Society. There were about 35 people in attendance, many who are professionals at various breweries in Eugene. The speaker for the evening, promoting SNS (Shaken, Not Stirred) method of yeast starters was none other than the legendary Denny Conn, who is a member of CBS. There was a wide variety of homebrew to sample, some of which was very good. My wife joined me, and we had a fun evening amongst a great group of people.
Wow so cool so what he was advocating for shaking a starter over stiring lol :p.

Glad ya had a great time herm.

Get any feedback on your stout and Amber ale?
Wow so cool so what he was advocating for shaking a starter over stiring lol :p.

Glad ya had a great time herm.

Get any feedback on your stout and Amber ale?
He was adamant that stirring is bad, because it causes shear forces that rupture the yeast cell walls. I tried to speak up for your method of using your own wort, but he countered that you can’t use wort for a starter the day before you make the wort. I got his point, and I was not going to argue with him. He uses DME to make a quart of 1.036 starter wort, and tries to pitch the entire starter at high Krauzen, without decanting. I will look further into his method, the notes from his talk should be available soon on the club page.
Nobody said anything about my beers, but they both got consumed.
He was adamant that stirring is bad, because it causes shear forces that rupture the yeast cell walls. I tried to speak up for your method of using your own wort, but he countered that you can’t use wort for a starter the day before you make the wort. I got his point, and I was not going to argue with him. He uses DME to make a quart of 1.036 starter wort, and tries to pitch the entire starter at high Krauzen, without decanting. I will look further into his method, the notes from his talk should be available soon on the club page.
Nobody said anything about my beers, but they both got consumed.
You can with No Chill :cool: .

Interesting well I can't argue with the big man of Hbrewing.

Awesome you got to meet him!
The speaker for the evening, promoting SNS (Shaken, Not Stirred) method of yeast starters was none other than the legendary Denny Conn, who is a member of CBS.
A few years ago Denny Conn was the speaker at the home brew club I occasionally attend. I would definitely have been at that meeting but I was on vacation in Washington state at that time. :(
He was adamant that stirring is bad, because it causes shear forces that rupture the yeast cell walls.
I'm not 100% sold on stir plates being bad. But I buy into it enough to come up with my own method that I call spin-then-swirl. The night before brewing I spin up the stir plate. Then when I get up the next day I turn off the stir plate and swirl the starter every time to walk by it. I figure that initially, while I am sleeping and the stir plate is spinning, the yeast cell density is lower and therefore so is the shear stress. What I really want to avoid is the yeast just sitting still on the bottom of the flask for 8-10 hours.
Using hop bags to do a thorough rinse of all my little bits and pieces today.
The Black IPA I made recently took a while to settle out, and originally had a flavor that made me wonder if maybe some PBW residue was left behind.
We haven't added rinse agent for ages, running a short high temp cycle with no DW detergent.
He was adamant that stirring is bad, because it causes shear forces that rupture the yeast cell walls. I tried to speak up for your method of using your own wort, but he countered that you can’t use wort for a starter the day before you make the wort. I got his point, and I was not going to argue with him. He uses DME to make a quart of 1.036 starter wort, and tries to pitch the entire starter at high Krauzen, without decanting. I will look further into his method, the notes from his talk should be available soon on the club page.
Nobody said anything about my beers, but they both got consumed.
That’s what I do when I make a starter and noticed no taste issues pitching it all
I just checked my Vienna Garage Lager, which is sitting in the utility/fermentation closet where ambient temp is currently ~56F. The airlock is bubbling steadily, so 34/70 is doing its work.
Airlock activity on my Best IPA+ has ceased, so I will let it rest a few days before adding a dry hops charge of Mosaic. I might even go short of my standard 3 weeks in primary if gravity sample tastes right.
We have a gallon of simple cider ready to bottle, and we are getting ready to make the drive out to the orchard to purchase more fresh pressed juice.
I bought the strap for the allrounder as well, used it a few times, but I never lift the fermenter full. I found it to be a pain, and it never stayed tight anyways...
I manage to keep the straps pretty tight. It works for me although one of the straps has a tear in it.
Bottled the latest batch of simple cider, fermented on slurry of S-04 and yeast nutrient from previous cider batch. This batch started at 1.048 and fermented dry at 0.997, achieving abv of ~6.8% with some natural effervescence. To my sense, this batch seems clearer, with a better aroma and flavor.
As intended, today we drove out to the orchard for more juice, buying 2 gallons. One of those went in the freezer, and the other is sitting in the cold garage with a half teaspoon of pectic enzyme. In the morning, I will pour that juice in a cleaned and sanitized 1-gallon ported FerMonster, give it some nutrient and a sprinkle of S-04 to start the next batch.
