What are you doing with homebrew today?

WTF, I am being misinterpreted all over the internet the past few days. Maybe I need to take a break from making any comments, anywhere.
For the record, I was distracted by silly stuff.
In no way was I insinuating you were distracted by silly stuff.
Have a nice day.
Nah, you're good :) keep commenting Herm!
I find if you do have just a drip drip leak every now and then as you heat up the kettle it seals itself I think steel expands with the heat ect ect.

I'm feeling a bit embarrassed I haven't taken my kettle bulkhead and cleaned in years :oops:.

I feel like if I do it'll bloody leak lol!
WTF, I am being misinterpreted all over the internet the past few days. Maybe I need to take a break from making any comments, anywhere.
For the record, I was distracted by silly stuff.
In no way was I insinuating you were distracted by silly stuff.
Have a nice day.
Yeah love ya Input here Herm don't worry man be happy:D
WTF, I am being misinterpreted all over the internet the past few days. Maybe I need to take a break from making any comments, anywhere.
For the record, I was distracted by silly stuff.
In no way was I insinuating you were distracted by silly stuff.
Have a nice day.
I know the feeling, but that us the nature of written communications. Water off a duck's back. Like Ben said, your posts are always spot on.
I find if you do have just a drip drip leak every now and then as you heat up the kettle it seals itself I think steel expands with the heat ect ect.

I'm feeling a bit embarrassed I haven't taken my kettle bulkhead and cleaned in years :oops:.

I feel like if I do it'll bloody leak lol!
I did do that after my last batch. It was not a pretty sight.
I did do that after my last batch. It was not a pretty sight.
Yep, same goes for the fermenter. MY thermocouple well threads into the side at some weird slightly upward angle, meaning LOTS of trub will settle in around the well and threads. As much as I try to tickle this with the brush after EVERY batch, and leaving it soaking overnight with PBW (which is exactly where my fermenter is right now), I still pull the thermocouple well out of it (as well as disassemble the ball valve) every 4th batch or so. What I wind up cleaning outta those places I'm pretty sure shouldn't be anywhere NEAR a batch of beer. My kettle is a little easier, because it has welded bungs, and is stainless, and is strictly on the hot side of things. I can get away with using a wire brush in the threads. New teflon thread tape when I put it back together, and bingo, I just spent nearly a whole day cleaning my gear. The bad news is I have one batch left before I have to do all that I just described.

Gunna finally switch put my C02 bottle for new refil 2.6kg she is last filled Feb this year 10 months that's my best stingy effort :D
I have 3 fermentations going at the moment - Best IPA+ received its dose of Mosaic dry hops last night, which got the airlock bubbling again; Vienna Garage Lager likely benefited from recent unseasonably warm weather that bumped the fermentation closet up to 64F, maybe achieving a Diacetyl rest without trying?; and Simple Cider still shows plenty of airlock activity.
Today I finalized a recipe for an American Wheat Ale that just wants to be RED
I have 3 fermentations going at the moment - Best IPA+ received its dose of Mosaic dry hops last night, which got the airlock bubbling again; Vienna Garage Lager likely benefited from recent unseasonably warm weather that bumped the fermentation closet up to 64F, maybe achieving a Diacetyl rest without trying?; and Simple Cider still shows plenty of airlock activity.
Today I finalized a recipe for an American Wheat Ale that just wants to be RED
Read your recipe. How much impact did the small dose of Carafa have on the color? Or was there a different reason for the Carafa? I have to poke myself to remember that you do 2.5G batches to remind me why some of your quantities are small. Gotta get some 34/70 to try. I keep reading good things about it in here. It seems to be a very tolerant and versatile yeast.
Gunna finally switch put my C02 bottle for new refil 2.6kg she is last filled Feb this year 10 months that's my best stingy effort :D View attachment 27561
Can't complain about 10 months. That says you've got stuff sealed up very well. You spund as well, don't you? How much does that let you cut back on your CO2 use? Nuthin' wrong with being stingy. It's the closest to free anything will get.
Kegged and bottled my first attempt at Woodforde's brewery 'Nelson's Bitter' (as in Admiral Nelson the sailor dude) from their extract kit. This is a Strong Bitter. I have had their version (from the mini-keg in the photo) and quite liked it although memory of the actual taste has gone for the minute. This has smelled fantastic during fermentation. Really floral hoppiness and tasting on gravity readings was a fresh bitterness over ridden by prominent yet mellow citrus. I havent' yet picked up any spiciness that's mentioned but tasting lovely during primary fermentation is a great sign. Apparently 3 hops but they don't say which. I am still learning but think that is Goldings and Fuggles with Amarillo - sort of like a Yorkshire bitter aroma with a British Golden Ale taste. I have pellets of all three and decided to dry hop this 19L batch with 1oz Goldings 0.5oz Amarillo to get the floral side levelled up. Surprisingly so far I seem to have got this right or at least satisfactory to my tastes. The muslin bag had swelled up about x4 at least. Aroma has now gone down considerably - didn't do any tasting at transfer. I primed with Golden Syrup for the first time after reading through several recipes on BF.
Can't complain about 10 months. That says you've got stuff sealed up very well. You spund as well, don't you? How much does that let you cut back on your CO2 use? Nuthin' wrong with being stingy. It's the closest to free anything will get.
Yeah I think leaks are the biggest culprit spund sure helps ALOT. I push all my beer into kegs using co2 as well so I'm happy to get 10months outta 2. 6kg bottle :)
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Read your recipe. How much impact did the small dose of Carafa have on the color? Or was there a different reason for the Carafa? I have to poke myself to remember that you do 2.5G batches to remind me why some of your quantities are small. Gotta get some 34/70 to try. I keep reading good things about it in here. It seems to be a very tolerant and versatile yeast.
I want to say that one ounce of Carafa Special Type 1 raised SRM about 2 points. Talk on the street is that just a little sprinkle of some of the darker malts can enhance red colors in otherwise light colored beers.
@Megary suggested that I use 34/70 in the Red Wheat for Winter, and since I should have fresh slurry from my Vienna Garage Lager, why not put it to use.
I'm doing a taste test of my Q4 brew. First from the keg.
I like it. Its not a clear beer, but taste matters much more.
And as it's a sample size of 1 so far, I am going to increase accuracy of this test by pouring another glass :)
Figured out a more straightforward (and safer) route to the Home Brew Store in neighbouring town as in hopefully not involving chicken runs. Somebody kindly put me straight when I raised the matter and it checked out on the map. Fifteen mile round trip so I might cheat and also check up times to catch a bus back. Will involve a connection from there as virtually impossible to put a direct service on so not likely going to save much against courier charges. But it should be good to get the exercise whilst supporting the nearest thing I have to a local supplier. They have a much wider selection of hops including for the first time in my experience some leaf as well as pellets. Looking at spring/easter.
Trying This I see some brewers on the YouTube doing it why not lol

Milled first pass Into the bucket then direct into the awaiting strike water.

That floating gunk is the acrospires I decided just to go with it!
Friday arvo brew session under way.

Checked that Low C/N starter gravity = 1.002 tasted absolutely terrible lol sorta salty and like suds WTF I guess it's not supposed to taste like fermented wort second time tasting the Supernatant from a low C:N starter and spitting it out directly into the sink in disgust.

Oh gunna have a go at attaching a "partial" floating dip tube to one of my kegs to ferment in.

I don't quite have enough length on the silicon tube so will cut this spare stainless one to accommodate the ball.
Hope it works lol
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