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I think I would like my chili's to be a bit milder

I got onion envy Zambi! My peppers are over the top this year...already but up a dozen pints of salsa and pepper jelly and if this rain comes early today, I think I'll out up some more salsa but leave out the tomatoes. This year 's tomato crop was hit with a wilt that did me in about mid August....
Like I said...

They are good looking for sure!
I hooked work today to finish up some of the stuff I got started this weekend including some garden clean up and need some ID work on what I found under the black plastic.....whaddaya think @Sunfire96 ? Some sort of frog?

I hooked work today to finish up some of the stuff I got started this weekend including some garden clean up and need some ID work on what I found under the black plastic.....whaddaya think @Sunfire96 ? Some sort of frog?

View attachment 17949
Whoa cool!! I'll have to do some research. They certainly look amphibian, but usually amphibians lay eggs in water or extremely damp areas (can't start life as a tadpole if there's no water to swim in).

About how big are the eggs? Pencil eraser? Pea? Lentil?
Whoa cool!! I'll have to do some research. They certainly look amphibian, but usually amphibians lay eggs in water or extremely damp areas (can't start life as a tadpole if there's no water to swim in).

About how big are the eggs? Pencil eraser? Pea? Lentil?

Well I know the garden gets wet but I don't let it sit for more than a couple days at most and it's been dry for the most part the last few weeks so...Idunno!
The eggs are about bb size...small pea.
It's going to take a couple of years to get my soil right.
After moving last year and trying to dig up the rock hard clay I have, I decided to just buy some garden mix from a local supplier. Bad move as it was loaded with wood chips and leaves. Short story, nitrogen deficiency.
I started this fall with loading grass clippings and more leaves as top dressing. I'll continue with just grass clippings in spring, but for now, I'm bringing home spent grains from work.
For my 1BBL. batches, I average about 70# per batch.
So far I have brought home ~15 batches and will continue throughout the winter.
I'm in a micro climate zone 5, bordering zone 4 or so I'm told from a local nursery. This cuts down on the smell and the deer love it for now.
I'll most likely have to turn it in the spring, but after that, I'm only a top dresser.
I'll get some pictures at some point.
No progress here.
Most of my plants decided they didn't like the almost 3 week spell of 43+ oC!
Think thats abpit 110 oF.
But the termites love it :(
It's going to take a couple of years to get my soil right.
After moving last year and trying to dig up the rock hard clay I have, I decided to just buy some garden mix from a local supplier. Bad move as it was loaded with wood chips and leaves. Short story, nitrogen deficiency.
I started this fall with loading grass clippings and more leaves as top dressing. I'll continue with just grass clippings in spring, but for now, I'm bringing home spent grains from work.
For my 1BBL. batches, I average about 70# per batch.
So far I have brought home ~15 batches and will continue throughout the winter.
I'm in a micro climate zone 5, bordering zone 4 or so I'm told from a local nursery. This cuts down on the smell and the deer love it for now.
I'll most likely have to turn it in the spring, but after that, I'm only a top dresser.
I'll get some pictures at some point.
Get some Chooks their shit = nitrogen on double boost also great Stuff to really get your compost firing.
Gypsum sounds like it might be needed to break the clay down.
You'll work it out
Toss some clover seed in there for the winter cover crop, Tractor Supply sells it, as do others.
Currently there's a foot of compost on top of the beds, so that won't work.
Between the raised beds I have some standing water as well.
I purposely put the garden in the lowest area so runoff water keeps it watered.
Get some Chooks their shit = nitrogen on double boost also great Stuff to really get your compost firing.
Gypsum sounds like it might be needed to break the clay down.
You'll work it out
If only they took care of themselves, but I wouldn't have proper time to care for them.
