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It's time for a new snowman... what to make this year?

Things we travel with - our pepper grinder, our homemade salad dressings, our loose leaf teas, our homemade pies and hand shaken whipped cream. Celebration IPA is available in local markets. We like to drink Tequila, too. It’s Thanksgiving Week here in America. Cheers!
My wife and I enjoy cooking. When we travel, we like to stay in places where we can cook, eat, drink and be merry. Good local hiking is always a consideration. From a cabin in the Mojave Desert of southeastern California, very near the margins of Joshua Tree National Park.
Are those harmful? Or just like a fly or cricket, only a minor nuisance?

Never seen one before, but heard of them.
Totally harmless but I tell Americans especially that their deadly:p!
Pretty cool beetle
You know what's the coolest thing about this beetle is the larval stage can go on pause oh what's the word suspended the life cycle at this stage of metamorphosis they are big fat grubs like to live under composts I see a few from time to time.
I've herd they can stay in this stage for a couple of years until conditions are right.
So when you see one wish him her well;)
I think you are vastly underestimating those odds.

And them monkeys, they'll tear ya limb from limb...
Mate they could near fit in the palm of your hand.
Now I did see them ruckus baboons on my way out there is no way I'd go into their enclosure.
@Sunfire96 probably would though:rolleyes:.
