Currently 24 hours in the fermentor at 48° f no vigorous action
I hope that works well for you. Each person in my local club thinks that he is the only one in the club to know what he's talking about. I found it very hard to sort through the conflicting information.I'm going to get together with a club locally and get some help and guidance being new at brewing I think it would benefit me.
Ditto - relax Crunk. Lagers take time. Maybe while you're letting this one get going you can knock out a few simpler pale ales or IPAs.Remember that lagers take awhile more to get started first phase is absorbing oxygen getting ready for the ferment party just keep her in yeasts specified ferment range and they'll sort the rest out. I know you've been priming them with oxygen pre pitch so I'm sure they are happy in there. Try and keep calm I know your stressing it's all good as long as you've followed good sanitary practice pitched adequate yeast and given them the right environment to do their thing all you've gotta do is be patient and WAIT.
One way that I focus my attention away from the current brew is looking forward to your next brew![]()
So you're about halfway, right? Let it set another 4 days-week and see. It may take even more time if you are letting it sit at a higher temp. Lagers can take up to 3 weeks in primary.Calculated at 1.011