
Yeah that's where I basically am. They've pulled the whole "we believe we're following God's will" argument. It's a total cop out BS. I even have, believe it or not, a BA in Biblical Studies/Christian Ministry (surprise!!) but you know I'm just a kid to them and there's no logic someone using that argument will actually listen to. I'm just not looking forward to more family drama between her and her mom

I find that position very frustrating! God gave us an intellect and the free will on how to use it. He also gave us Christians the Fifth Commandment that says "Thou Shalt Not Kill". Good luck to you Steve! I do not envy your situation.

This remind me of a popular joke that I really think applies:
As the flood waters rose, a man was on the porch of his house and prayed that God would save him from drowning in the flood. Just then, another man came by in a row boat. The man in the boat invited the other man to get in, and he'd save him. The man on the porch said, "No, thanks, I'm waiting for God to rescue me."

The water kept rising and the man had to go to the second floor of his house. As he looked out the window, he saw a man in a motor boat come by. The man in the boat invited him to get in because he had come to rescue him. The man in the house said, "No, thanks, I'm waiting for God to rescue me."

The waters kept on rising. Soon the man was forced to climb up onto his roof. A helicopter flew by, and a man inside lowered a rope and shouted down for the stranded man to climb up the rope.

But the man still wouldn't get in. He just said, "No, thanks, I'm waiting for God to rescue me."

Well, eventually, the flood waters rose above the house rooftop, and the man drowned. When he got to Heaven, he asked God why He didn't rescue him from drowning when he had had perfect faith.

"What more do you want from me?" asked God. "I sent you two boats and a helicopter."
This remind me of a popular joke that I really think applies:
As the flood waters rose, a man was on the porch of his house and prayed that God would save him from drowning in the flood. Just then, another man came by in a row boat. The man in the boat invited the other man to get in, and he'd save him. The man on the porch said, "No, thanks, I'm waiting for God to rescue me."

The water kept rising and the man had to go to the second floor of his house. As he looked out the window, he saw a man in a motor boat come by. The man in the boat invited him to get in because he had come to rescue him. The man in the house said, "No, thanks, I'm waiting for God to rescue me."

The waters kept on rising. Soon the man was forced to climb up onto his roof. A helicopter flew by, and a man inside lowered a rope and shouted down for the stranded man to climb up the rope.

But the man still wouldn't get in. He just said, "No, thanks, I'm waiting for God to rescue me."

Well, eventually, the flood waters rose above the house rooftop, and the man drowned. When he got to Heaven, he asked God why He didn't rescue him from drowning when he had had perfect faith.

"What more do you want from me?" asked God. "I sent you two boats and a helicopter."
I'm familiar with that one:D
I've just never understood how some people will tell you that everything in life is ordained by God but then when it comes to healthcare they'll only accept divine providence in a miraculous form. Like if God is commanding everything you don't think he's making a vaccine or treatment available?
It's crazy
So I just found out that my mom tested positive this week. She is fully vaccinated and says that she had only had symptoms about like a minor head cold.

No, I haven’t been exposed as far as I know. Concerning as much as I travel for my work. This delta variant is no joke.

Damn bud, be safe eh? I just got home and saw this. Hope everyone is ok.
That's tough. Sorry to hear that. Hopefully being vaccinated will protect her from the worst of it. My employer is back to masks required for employees regardless of status. Really considering telling my in-laws they can't come around unless they get vaccinated but know they'll take it the wrong way. I have an immune suppressed wife (she's on medication for an autoimmune disorder which suppresses her immune system so she gets sick easily) who is vaccinated but also pregnant with twins. I see a very uncomfortable conversation coming.
Honestly Steve, she's more important than they are, they can take a flying leap.
My 2 cents on how to handle this situation with your in-laws would be to state things in a way that doesn't make them defensive. They probably feel that it is their "right" not to be forced to get the vaccine. You can't win that argument so don't try. Simply state that, by the same line of reasoning, you shouldn't be forced to put your family in danger either (from a medically & scientifically proven life-threatening risk). Basically, their "rights" don't supersede yours.

Right on BB!

The approach is tactfully bringing them around to see that your basis of concern is the same as theirs...someone forcing their will or belief on another while not even considering the other's position.

Try an analogy. "How do you feel about sharing the highway where 30% of the cars have drunk drivers in them?" " Would you let you kid go to school if other kids were bringing in home-made explosive devices to show and tell? "

While vaccination here in the US is currently unable to be mandated due to the emergency basis the FDA has currently approved the 3 vaccines in the US under, things are about to get really tough for folks like that whether it be their employer or some privilege the state or a company controls (think public transportation, air travel, etc.) that will mandate vaccination or testing as a barrier to entry. Hopefully they will not need the first or second hand experience to be their ephiphany!

Good luck SSteve and good thoughts headed your way Bulin!
Uhh Ward, I'm not trying to be a smart ass here but the US seems pretty chill about having kids gunned down in schools. I'm not sure that argument carries a lot of weight.
Uhh Ward, I'm not trying to be a smart ass here but the US seems pretty chill about having kids gunned down in schools. I'm not sure that argument carries a lot of weight.

Yeah but those folks feel that way about other people's kids. The point being
KNOWINGLY putting a loved one in danger. It's simply irresponsible and unfortunately those sort of people are out there.

No offence taken Hawk...
I even have, believe it or not, a BA in Biblical Studies/Christian Ministry (surprise!!) but you know I'm just a kid to them

Sounds like someone needs to be reminded of The Golden Rule and that "a child shall lead them"!
My wife just sent me this text after talking to her dad about his objections

I know I hate when my body goes and makes antibodies against deadly diseases. It's totally not supposed to do that
Not getting religious here, but God gave us minds to do things like brew beer, build cars and develop vaccines. In my humble opinion, not using our God-given talents is an affront to His will.

Too preachy?
Not getting religious here, but God gave us minds to do things like brew beer, build cars and develop vaccines. In my humble opinion, not using our God-given talents is an affront to His will.

Too preachy?
I'm with you, brother! I just got back from western Kentucky, a Covid hot spot. No one I knew was sick but we were some of the only people around wearing masks. Wife and I are fully vaccinated, grandkids who went with us are not. We were as careful as we could be.

Denver International Airport looked damned good.
I'm with you, brother! I just got back from western Kentucky, a Covid hot spot. No one I knew was sick but we were some of the only people around wearing masks. Wife and I are fully vaccinated, grandkids who went with us are not. We were as careful as we could be.

Denver International Airport looked damned good.
Stephen the northeastern part of the state isn’t any better...I wonder if my extended family are the only ones hear own masks.
WTF is going on in NSW Australia? Forcibly vaccinating 24000 kids - WITHOUT THEIR PARENTS BEING THERE - Hearding them into a stadium stadium. This is Wrong!!! It stinks of 30's Germany.
I fear for this world - putting up with this.
when I was a kid we had a mass small pox shot similar. all grouped into the gym, at the time I hated the idea but now I'm glad I got mine
when I was a kid we had a mass small pox shot similar. all grouped into the gym, at the time I hated the idea but now I'm glad I got mine
Yep. I remember in grade school and junior high everyone lining up in the gym or auditorium for mass vaccinations. Parents knew (and could maybe opt out?), but were not there for the event.
Same for Hepatitis and Tetanus for me.
My news report did not say if parents had to sign a permission slip, as my parents did for all those 'gymnasium' vaccines we all got as kids.

With permission, all is well. Without is, as Alan noted, unacceptable.
