What's your next brew

we just had a cold front move in and I need to brew it's 17F right now with a wind chill of 11F
It's 8C right now so it's really nice. I don't have a brew on deck as I just kegged the milkshake yesterday, finished around 8.5% which is a touch high. I wonder if Clarity Ferm does something to lactose as the carboy with it finished 4 points lower than the one without which finished bang on at 1.020 where I expected it.
With a couple brown ales and a stout for the last 3 brews, I thought I’d change it up a bit (even if it is “off season”), and take a stab at a clone of Three Floyd’s Zombie Dust with half a pound of Citra hops. :D
Still have one kit left from the More Beer half price sale. The Calif. Common is next up, followed closely by something close to Stone 7th anniversary ale to use up the Ahtanum hops from the AHA.
Haven't decided. I'm thinking about doing a blonde stout. Or I'll wait until I'm back from Texas in January and do the Urquell clone.
One more IPA, then off to a slight twist on a Jubleale. Little more ABV, less crystal and a bit more roast. Can’t wait for that one.
With a couple brown ales and a stout for the last 3 brews, I thought I’d change it up a bit (even if it is “off season”), and take a stab at a clone of Three Floyd’s Zombie Dust with half a pound of Citra hops. :D
Damn that sounds good, would you post the recipe?

My next brew is a Winter Ale, posted it up for review in Recipes for Feedback.
Not sure yet. Thinking about brewing up another cream ale and hitting it with some wild yeast dregs i've collected, and maybe some brett.
Hoping to fit a double in this weekend and get a tripel and a schwarzbier fermenting away.
I think Ill go with my red lager again, I really liked that beer and I have everything here so why not, just need the weather to warm up when off, never seems to happen
Well I'll trade you a little cold for some warmth!

Here's a little cold for you. Got a bit of the white stuff overnight. Waiting for my warm :)
Hefe up next , summer finally arrived here so this will go down well.
1 housemate has never tasted a hefe and was dubious when I described it as liquid bananana bread

Trying out Imperial GO1 Stefon, after much searching without much joy I'll just treat it as I would 3068
Yep, doorway for the front and window for the back. Just 3" of the kind of snow I like. It falls; it looks pretty; it melts. Been here a bit over 10 years and still don't own a snow shovel :)
