What are you drinking right now?

Found this yesterday. I love Belgian dark strong ale.

Off the fermenter Holschuh Biergarten Lager. I guess this pour of Holschuh Kellerbier :cool: This turned out real well, obviously a month to lager will change it some. It is malty but right now it has a hop bitterness to it like a German pilsner
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I never would have imagined finding Corona in the UK, I always thought it odd to get Budweiser in England when visiting family. It's been too long since I have been back.
I remember Bud and Miller Light both going on sale in UK as I drank and enjoyed both in my younger days.

I am still not having much luck with photos of Corona, it has been really sunny here in bursts between and during rain showers today. This is the best of the batch:

Only posted these as I think you will be a little more surprised at what I had initially overlooked on bottom left of the pack:

I didn't believe my eyes! What's going on?
After Cinco De Mayo, lots of places around here had some good Mexican Lagers. One of the breweries was selling to go 4 packs for the same price as what I can get crappy beer for in Publix. I bought a couple, and they were quite tasty on the beach at sunrise last week.
Probably like our version of Guinness that isn't the same.
