What are you drinking right now?

This should go in you know you did it wrong when thread but man the search feature sux on this site.

I burst carbed a already carbonated keg at 20psi for 48 hours thinking I was burst carbing this mild lol

Man its smells of chocolate missus rekons "it smells like them oats you burnt yesterday" lol
So Toasty I reply yea sorta she also thought it smelt like coke hmm I sware she was gunna say chocolate it's sooo chocolate to me
Diamond Dave Ninji chop yeah Judy Ninji chop that's a goer for sure :D!

Thanks for the link there Roadie very funny lol!

Oh you done well to spot the thumb too.

That's a vice grips wack on the thumb :D
You know the old using vice grips as a hammer to knock the slag off your welds trick!:confused:
Ouch! There's probably a reason they're called Vise Grip Pliers, and not a Vice Grip Hammer. Maybe. Somethin' about swinging a hammer, you tend to guard your phalanges a little better than when swinging pliers. Whatever the reason, I think Darwin was right.:eek:

At least you didn't do a judy chop and ninji kick at the same time. We'd have to call ya Stumpy then.
I tried it a while ago, frankly, I was suprised how good it was. Probably my #3 Pils overall(Behind Budvar and Urquel).
so went to aldis today, they had 4pack of pint cans. it is damn good! little more fruity notes than urquel, but would not have though of aldis as a place to get good beer, lol.
Ouch! There's probably a reason they're called Vise Grip Pliers, and not a Vice Grip Hammer. Maybe. Somethin' about swinging a hammer, you tend to guard your phalanges a little better than when swinging pliers. Whatever the reason, I think Darwin was right.:eek:

At least you didn't do a judy chop and ninji kick at the same time. We'd have to call ya Stumpy then.
Amen niji kick and Judy Chop is deadly!
Showed a work mate that clip yesterday we had a good laugh!
Yes, that it does. I can't say how many times I searched for a thread by name and it found NOTHING. Ugh.
Gunna reach out to the developers to make a better thread search option inside the forum not site wide just specific to thread titles.

You know say you wanna search keezer build threads or yeast specific threads or whatever.
After awhile some threads get buried down the list and I can't be arsed scrolling back to find them when I'm half cut;).
@Ozarks Mountain Brew

Whatdyas think what do other forums do to make thread searches easy?

Oh drinking Coffee yum
I hear you...BUT...there are many times I wish the bar/restaurant had served my beer in a plastic cup as opposed to the marginally fresh glass that I received. :eek:
I won't ever refuse a clear plastic cup. At least I know they are clean.
You hope it it's! ;)
