Recipe Editor vs Water Calculator pH

Do you have the water calculator linked? And then, once you link the water calculator, you have to click "update" when you get back to the recipe.
Having same issue here....Current recipe shows mash Ph of 5.35, linked water calc says 5.42. I hit "update" and nothing changes in recipe.
Actually, still having issues. I have water calc linked, and hit update recipe, but the mash Ph in recipe is different from water calc.

What order should I be doing this?
@Yooper , @Ozarks Mountain Brew, I've got the same issue and can reproduce it every time with one of my recipes.

Here's my steps to reproduce.

1. Setup recipe. (Ph reads 6.3) Save.
2. Click Link under water calculator
3. Set water additions. (ph is 5.55). Save.
4. Return to recipe. Click Update. It shows the correct link to the water profile but the Ph reads 6.06.
5. Close everything out (important) and go back to Recipes. Select the Recipe.
6. Click Edit under water profiles.
7. My water volume is re-set to 9 gallons and the Ph is 6.06.

So I'm not sure where this magical 9 gallons is coming from, but that's why the Ph in the recipe editor is wrong. If I manually set the gallons to 2.2 (for my small batch) and save. Then close everything and go back in, it's reset to 9 gallons again.

Now, I tried this with a different recipe and it works fine. So perhaps it's a certain set of circumstances that causes this bug. Link to the recipe if it helps:
OK, wouldn't you know it. As soon as I detail the issue, I find the problem.

The problem (for me anyway) was that I had a mash infusion entry for 9 gallons since I duplicated this recipe from a larger batch. The Ph on the recipe editor uses this number apparently.

Oddly enough though, when you create a water profile from scratch, the water numbers you start with are the numbers from the Quick Water Requirements, not the mash entries.

I think this could be where some confusion is coming in.
yes and I could not reproduce it since mine was a new recipe, their is some cache going on in a scaled recipe sometimes, make sure you always save as a new record in the calculator in that case and not have the first version or calculator open
Yes, we are working to fix that. Apparently, the water calc has been pulling for the quick water calc and not the recipe since the inception, and it's giving some wonky results. We are working to correct this.
Hi Guys,

i have similar problem, but not with the PH, but with HCO3. I made the water calcs and then upload to the recepi, but i have different volume of HCO3 now. I target on 40 and real volume after treatment was 44. But now i have 1.4. I enclosed the foto. Dont you know i am doing wrong? Thank you


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You don't have a linked water calculator to that recipe- see where it says "link"? It wasn't linked.
