Ozarks Amber bock

Ozarks Mountain Brewery

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Nov 20, 2012
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Ok Ive got it, it's nailed this is my amber bock and its a winner big time, I cant put this down so that tells me something, do not change anything if you brew this it's the perfect balance of malt vs roast flavor, it will also turn black in the glass under low light, good luck ;)


Title: Ozarks Amber Bock
Author: Ozarks Mountain Brew

Brew Method: All Grain
Batch Size: 6 gallons (ending kettle volume)
Boil Size: 8 gallons
Boil Gravity: 1.044
Efficiency: 80% (ending kettle)

Original Gravity: 1.058
Final Gravity: 1.014
ABV (standard): 5.5%
IBU (tinseth): 31.79
SRM (morey): 17.45

8 lb - American - Pale 2-Row (70.3%)
2 lb - Flaked Rice (17.6%)
0.5 lb - American - Carapils (Dextrine Malt) (4.4%)
0.5 lb - Belgian - CaraMunich (4.4%)
3 oz - American - Black Malt (1.6%)
3 oz - American - Roasted Barley (1.6%)

0.5 oz - Magnum, Type: Pellet, AA: 15, Use: Boil for 60 min, IBU: 25.14
1 oz - Hallertau Hersbrucker, Type: Pellet, AA: 4, Use: Boil for 15 min, IBU: 6.65

1) Infusion, Temp: 152 F, Time: 60 min
2) Fly Sparge, Temp: 170 F, Time: 60 min
Starting Mash Thickness: 1.5 qt/lb

3 g - Calcium Chloride, Type: Water Agt, Use: Mash
3 g - Gypsum, Type: Water Agt, Use: Mash

Fermentis / Safale - Saflager - German Lager Yeast W-34/70
Fermentation Temp: 50 F

Profile Name:
Ca2: 76
Mg2: 7
Na: 54
Cl: 12
SO4: 58
HCO3: 139
Water Notes:
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Reactions: J A
Nice. Thanks for posting it up. Getting that one done may have to wait till after the holidays now, but it's certainly going on the list.
actually I planned on doing that and I didn't, it was an accident but a good one, its an awesome beer
Never had one but like my dark beers
may well downscale it to my 5/6 litre brews.:cool:
you can use a clean ale yeast, I have in the past, my final gravity was lower than that too its not a full tasting beer
I'm big on BRY-97, its clean and flocculates well as long as you raise the temperature from 62 to 72 by day 5 its good
That looks nice Oz! I’m about ipa’d out and getting ready to make a Marzen. Your Amber Bock and a few other low to mid IBU ales would be a good piggy back on that yeast cake. I have S-04, S-05, BRY-97 & M36 Liberty Bell to choose from. I’m leaning toward the 97. What you think on the yeast choice?

But first I’m going to make a Marzen lager on Wyeast 2633 and compare it to the ale version.
all of those will work fine, I have a stock pile of saved 97 so its my clean goto yeast but you have to do a swirl and warm routine or it might flocculate out and be too sweet Ive had that happen many times
Good point! Thanks! I might run a Dead Guy clone (mai Bock I think) on that yeast tour as well, then maybe finish with an IPA. That would put 4 batches on that yeast cake (seems safe ???)
That would put 4 batches on that yeast cake (seems safe ???)
I've run progressions of 3 with no problem. As long as your sanitation is good, you'll have good results. I'd definitely put the biggest beers at the end of the line and even then, you might consider taking half the cake for the last batch. I did a 1.042 Dry Stout as the 3rd batch on some S-04 and even after taking half the cake and fermenting at 60, the fermentation was so robust that within hours of the pitch, the blow-off bucket seriously looked like it was on a burner boiling rapidly. Sure was good beer, though, and we all but killed that keg at a party 17 days after brew date.
Thanks JA! I have been doing totally separate batches with new yeast each time. It’s about time I start saving $ on yeast and do a better job of planning a series of batches and keg and brew on the same day. :D
Oz, sorry for drifting above. The discussion went to ale yeasts however you show W-34/70 in the recipe. Are you lagering this brew?
actually, I have changed my recipe many times and brewed with different yeasts, it doesn't matter as long as it’s a clean variety and this last version I use that W-34/70 yeast but at 60F instead of 50F then raised it then lowered like a lager but it was a much quicker turn around since its warmer to start
