Other hobbies

@nflamedrash ive got the stingless version much freindlier:p.

Wouldn't mind trying me hand at them though good luck and don't get anaphylactic
So i bought another bike today!
If you saw my post here about 2 months ago youd think hay didnt you already get one. Mmm yep and in the meantime i wrote it off:eek: yeah im sad to say i had a little acident trying to ride it up the bosses front driveway except up the grass instead of the concrete and yeah the rest is history. The back wheel spat out from underneath me i was forced to jump clear the bike hit the deck i was trying to hold it upright whilst dooing a line lockie on the grass when it hit the deck the throttle was jambed on flat tack. The bike was red lining laying on its side 5 seconds i recon till i regathered me thoughts and hit the kill switch by then the damage was done i stood it up wheeled it up the hill and oil started draining outta the overflow.

Anyhow fast forward to today im a happy owner of the same make and model motorbike a Yamaha Fazer 1000 their a lovely bike i feel bad for killing the other one but you live and learn.

Dont ride a sports bike on the grass especially up hill:oops:.

See the paint on this one its got that pearling through it looks great in the sun. Enjoy;)

people are crazy drivers here, I wont ride a bike again in this city, maybe when I move to the country again but not this crazy place
I see crazy bikers here. You know the whole Watch Out For Motorcycles mantra? It's because they are erratic, unpredictable, and just plain rude.
Me? I haven't seen that show. Or at least I didn't like what little I did see!!
Hopefully being bright yellow may prevent people just.pulling out in front of me or merging into my lane.
Yeah we live and learn only a fool repeats the same mistake again touch wood lol:p.
after having to stop playing football and snowboarding due to knee operations iv recently taken up golf to get me out the house and have a good few weekends away with the boys!! Obviously im pretty crap at the mo but am enjoying it and will be sticking it out!
after having to stop playing football and snowboarding due to knee operations iv recently taken up golf to get me out the house and have a good few weekends away with the boys!! Obviously im pretty crap at the mo but am enjoying it and will be sticking it out!
When I was in the Air Force, golf was a part of an officer's duties. I put my clubs down as soon as I left the service and ended up giving them to Goodwill. I've had knee surgery (torn ACL) and am not giving up skiing, hiking, cycling or Taekwondo - give it some time, Scout! And do what the physical therapist tells you.
Not really a hobby but it does support my brewing habits ...i got a new job today after a 15 minute interview so will now be installing food and beverage equipment for a living .
Suffice to say i left a happy man and then my new boss showed me a pet project ...ummm he has a small and not yet complete brewery he wants finished and running but has never brewed before .

How do i scale my proven recipes up to x20 the size !

i had mentioned i like brewing in my phone interview but a system that size is out of my league for now but is something to look forward to
Jacketed conicals nearly as tall as me , a mash tun i can sleep in and plenty of steam to drive it ...been pinching myself to make sure i'm not dreaming
How do i scale my proven recipes up to x20 the size !

here's what I do, tools copy then rename the copy then edit it and recipe tools, scale, set it for the finished boil size, example if your going to make 200 gallons before fermentation thats what would put
You'll have to do some pilot brews to see how the recipes actually scale up. It's not linear and several things change as your equipment becomes bigger. Hops are a big one - the utilization goes higher. You should get higher conversion efficiency as well. It'll take a brew or four to get the numbers to come out - I have the opposite problem when I take a commercial seven barrel recipe and scale it down to 0.2 barrels - I have to adjust conversion rates down to about 90% of what the bigger guys get. But it should be fun, working on a rig like that!
Gee Mark living the dream old boy!!!:p So this fella wants you to fit out his brewery! How cool is that green with envy mate green with envy! You must keep a bit of a blog on here of your brewery fit out unless any confidential inside brewery keep secret information problems. Well you've got your foot in the door and have more brewing experience then him so I recon just maybe you can wear the head Brewer hat if there is such a thing and get behind the steering wheel.

Over the moon for you Mark kickin goals aye?;)
No mate , he has built equipment for breweries before , should they ask for help getting it running ill jump at chance and help work it out but dare say ill be a mash monkey not the brewer and soak up whatever knowledge I can
