Lets catch some fish

Ozarks Mountain Brewery

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Nov 20, 2012
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you know fishing always involves beer at some point, usually after because you need your senses and strength while fishing its not an easy sport at all and your either lucky or really smart to pull in your limit every day so show me your fish you catch, Ill match ya ;)
Big Pike.jpg

Caught this 12# Pike in our main boat "ESC KEY".

you know fishing always involves beer at some point, usually after because you need your senses and strength while fishing its not an easy sport at all and your either lucky or really smart to pull in your limit every day so show me your fish you catch, Ill match ya ;)

Beer and fish do go together. Another one of my boats is named "Beer Fish". It was named that from the practice of first person to catch a fish first to have a beer, thus called a beer fish.
Nice fish :D, for some reason probably the excessive heat, all the big fish vanished this summer, all im catching is 7" to 12" white bass, maybe this fall
Boats are all put away for the season. General rifle season starts Saturday. Oktoberfest is empty and red IPA is getting low. Good thing dark wheat and Saison will be kegged next weekend. I enjoy the changing seasons and seasonal beers!

boats are all wintered up
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Caught this 12# Pike in our main boat "ESC KEY".

Beer and fish do go together. Another one of my boats is named "Beer Fish". It was named that from the practice of first person to catch a fish first to have a beer, thus called a beer fish.
Nice gator, what ya catch him on
If you have ever been bit by a Northern Pike then you would understand why I hold it by the eye sockets if I'm going to keep it..
Caught him on plastic on a safety pin spinner fishin' for small mouth, go figure. Good reason to use good line.
I wondered about that lol, what you can do is keep a 2 pound slege in the boat, pound its head and your safe
I have a 120 quart cooler I keep jugs of ice in, the mean fish gets pitched in the cooler "no water" you would be surprised at how long some will live out of water
Chillin' quickly makes for better eating. Great idea. We use lots of cubed ice in coolers on warm days for kokanee salmon. They swim in ice water pretty well.
another tip, I always keep all fish soaking in ice cold salt water for at least 2 days, I like a week, switching the water each day. it takes all fishy taste out and makes for a very good fish fry
Sounds good but we usually eat 'em as fresh as possible. That would work for a good deep fat fry for sure. Put fresh fillets in a hot skillet full of butter and fresh crushed garlic and season salt, wash it down with a good fresh Hefe.mmmmm
right on bother, love the garlic. Ive been in a cajun spiced corn meal mood the last couple of years
Joh bijelki Peterson dam had to google it for spelling :) that much loved and much hated Queensland premier. One great thing is he built a dam and named it after himself.

Not sure what type of bass Ozark but a bloody beauty.

Went and camped with brother his missus and family. Over the course of three days caught over 60 meters of fish! If you put them end to end pretty good aye.:p I love it when they are bighting
Nice spot there , we'd go there water skiing years ago
Caught 100+ fresh water crays ...can't understand why most Qlders won't eat them
I looked on website and they call them Australian Bass there's probably different species.
What are they red claw yabbies?
yup red claws , not much meat on them but no bag limits
you also may need a few days to clean them out , i change the water at least once a day
once it's clean i twist the heads off and generally pull the now clean poo chute with it
split the tails length ways , season with a mix of a little fresh sliced chilli , garlic butter, pepper and salt with a dash of olive oil on a moderate hot BBQ plate shell side down .
i use a lid over them so they cook evenly and careful not to overcook ! smell is how i know when they're done .
if you do it right the meat will just pull out of the shells and melt in your mouth
