Hi all - We brewed a Irish Stout from a brewers best kit (don't laugh), just tried it. About a month all told since brew day. Malt flavor and color is good, FG is on point, BUT Its very bitter! Just found Brewers Friend recently actually and plugged the recipe in. The kit came with 1 oz of Magnum instructed to boil for 60 min. I don't know what the AAUs were because we didn't know any better. (And .5 oz El Dorado for 5 Min). According to what I entered in BF I come up with 42.07 IBU, isn't that a lot?! What is Tinseth vs Rager? Should I ask for our money back? This is BS, we worked long and hard on this LOL, but seriously...the recipe sheet says should be 35-38 and "style" starts lower than that, and this is so disappointing. Can we do anything at this point to adjust it? :-(