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Jul 16, 2012
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I just discovered I'm fresh out of ideas for my next brew. Not that I don't have any recipes to try, it's just I can't decide. Do I want to do something strange and funky or keep to my latest middle-of-the-road brewing. I have a recipe for a Belgian blonde made with home-made candi syrup, a Witbier, perhaps a porter.... My stock of Witbier is low. I haven't done a Blonde Ale in a while. So many possibilities. Any suggestions?
I run into this issue so many times. A huge stack of recipes that I'd like to try but trying to figure out what to do next seems to be the hardest part. How about a sour beer? I think the next one I'm going to try to do is a Helles. I'm just waiting for some of my current fermentations to finish up so I'll have somewhere to put it.
I'd go with the Belgian Blonde but I don't currently have room in the 'fridge. The Blonde needs to "lager" at 50° for four weeks. I just started fermenting a Maerzen so the 'fridge is tied up for at least six weeks. I don't need to lager the wit, nor would I need to lager the blonde. My blonde has two State Fair silver medals but I don't need to do it for a while. I'm closing in on the Wit which is a good thing - it's a style I like to drink!
You can't go wrong with a Wit. Its on my list of styles to try but I need to get a lager going. Haven't been able to do a lager yet but I've got a small fridge I'm going to use as a fermentation chamber. Got a good Helles recipe? maybe after the lager I'll try my hand at doing a Wit.
Why not try an ingredient that you've never used before. My "odd" ingredient is peanut butter in a porter.
Oyster stout?
Skittles Belgian Blonde?
Rain water pale ale? -I'm actually going to try this one next time a big storm comes around.
You get the idea.
Smitty, here's my (untested) Helles. It'll be brewed when the 'fridge is free for lagering again: ... ner-helles

Secrets of good light beers around here: Control residual alkalinity. Our water is not soft enough to make a good light lager without cutting it with some distilled water and adding some calcium. For a beer this light you'll want to hit an RA of -30 (at least).

I made a list of ingredients for the Wit: ... an-witbier
