Hello From New England


Trial Member
Jul 16, 2018
Reaction score
Hi all! Long-time 5 gallon all-grain brewer here. Pretty basic stuff from memory. (Okay, so I still measure by the scoop so sue me). Appreciative of the new school brewing but the more classic American craft and English bills are honestly more likely to be in my wheel house. Getting experience and I mproving at more modern dry, hoppy styles for the same reason it fills most of the shelf at the Boston craft beer stores. Because all our friends drink it.
Hi all! Long-time 5 gallon all-grain brewer here. Pretty basic stuff from memory. (Okay, so I still measure by the scoop so sue me). Appreciative of the new school brewing but the more classic American craft and English bills are honestly more likely to be in my wheel house. Getting experience and I mproving at more modern dry, hoppy styles for the same reason it fills most of the shelf at the Boston craft beer stores. Because all our friends drink it.
I'm with you Hundel - in NEW England and on your beer thoughts. I only make the hoppy stuff for friends. I prefer the German and English styles myself. I'm up in Maine, how about you?
I'm with you Hundel - in NEW England and on your beer thoughts. I only make the hoppy stuff for friends. I prefer the German and English styles myself. I'm up in Maine, how about you?
I’m in Boston. Looking forward to the forums.
Welcome, I've actually been toning down my hop usage the more I brew.
Backing off a little on hops as well. Welcome and enjoy the site :)
