

Well-Known Member
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Feb 3, 2018
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Went out and picked some tomatoes, tomatillos, Jalapeños and both red and green Poblanos. If we don't get a frost in the next week or 10 days will likely get this much again. This is the third or forth harvest, depending on which vegetable.


Ran the tomatoes through the food mill. Wife making Tomato Preserves with Lime and Jalapeños and I'm doing spicy tomato juice with the rest. Some of the green Poblanos will be used for Chile Rellanos for supper tonight. Will roast the red ones. Wife will do some Salsa Verde with the tomatillos and some of the remaining peppers. I love this time of year.
I had a crazy yellow squash year, 50 to date off 2 plants, same with tomatoes about 100 baseball and softball off of 5 plants and still blooming
Talk about a crazy plant. This is a single Early Girl tomato planted in a 1/2 barrel. Same plant on both sides of the shorter fence. There is a smaller plant in front of it and below the top of the barrel.
Crazy Tomato.jpg
The wire fence behind it is 5' tall. So far, the wife estimates close to 30 lbs.of from it and it's still loaded. We have had a squash beetle infestation for several years, so don't plant squash much any more. Those things are a bugger to get rid of.
Great haul Bob!
Well your tomatoes dont look stung that's a big problem we get here in QLD fruit fly soon as the tomatoes start to turn bang the sting them. Ive got some beef steak tomatoes that are just about to come on fingers crossed!
Nice haul Bob. I haven't grown any food the last 2 years. I've been just fine with that till I see nice harvests like yours!
Great haul Bob!
Well your tomatoes dont look stung that's a big problem we get here in QLD fruit fly soon as the tomatoes start to turn bang the sting them. Ive got some beef steak tomatoes that are just about to come on fingers crossed!

When it looks like an early frost coming here we pick tomatoes that range from almost ripe to fairly green. Most of them ripen over the next few weeks and are still better than what the stores sell. I'm sure you could do that to thwart the fruit flies too.
Nice haul Bob. I haven't grown any food the last 2 years. I've been just fine with that till I see nice harvests like yours!

I know the feeling. The few years we didn't grow groceries we really missed them. Especially the tomatoes. We don't buy tomatoes at all and wait for the first ones to ripen so we can have our first BLTs of the season. Nothing better than a BLT made with home grown tomatoes and lettuce topped off with some home cured and smoked bacon on home made bread.
I had a crazy yellow squash year, 50 to date off 2 plants, same with tomatoes about 100 baseball and softball off of 5 plants and still blooming

Never had any luck growing Beefsteaks in our climate. We always end up with trees that have 4 or 5 tomatoes that never ripen. Must be that by the time our night time lows rise above 55 the daytime temps are way above 90 degrees. From what I understand these are almost requirements for many of the larger hybrids. . One of our mainstays is the Celebrity. They are usually about the size of baseballs or a bit bigger but not softball sized.
those are brandywines, very delicious but I only use for cooking since they split and over ripen too fast , I also grow better boys and those are for slicing
You can't buy tomatoes that taste as good as you grow yourself. The flavor is not comparable. Our garden varies from year to year but there are always tomatoes. Sungold cherry tomatoes and several beefsteak varieties or big boys or early girls.
Heres my tommies in the middle somewhere is some fledgling cascades dying for some much needed sun the tomatoes are stealing. I've got a few comming on they have all grown out of the wire rounds I staked around them.
Heres my tommies in the middle somewhere is some fledgling cascades dying for some much needed sun the tomatoes are stealing. I've got a few comming on they have all grown out of the wire rounds I staked around them.
View attachment 4069

I see a few nice ones in there.
now that's different, grows on a vine like a tomato or am I just looking wrong? looks interesting, my yellow squash can get the size of a bowling pin in a hurry and that's fine to me because i make a mean squash soup, it all gets blended, I'll have to post the recipe I just had it tonight
now that's different, grows on a vine like a tomato or am I just looking wrong? looks interesting, my yellow squash can get the size of a bowling pin in a hurry and that's fine to me because i make a mean squash soup, it all gets blended, I'll have to post the recipe I just had it tonight

Yes, they do grow on a vine. Preferably vertical. They can grow very long, but then they are harder to handle. I like them better smaller. Around a foot or two. The seeds take a bit to germinate and come out of the ground, but once they do, they're very prolific. I no longer grow more than a plant. Two starts to become to much for us and our needs.
Yes, they do grow on a vine. Preferably vertical. They can grow very long, but then they are harder to handle. I like them better smaller. Around a foot or two. The seeds take a bit to germinate and come out of the ground, but once they do, they're very prolific. I no longer grow more than a plant. Two starts to become to much for us and our needs.
Do like we do with zukini, leave brown paper bags on your neighbor's porch when they are not home;)
Yes, they do grow on a vine. Preferably vertical. They can grow very long, but then they are harder to handle. I like them better smaller. Around a foot or two. The seeds take a bit to germinate and come out of the ground, but once they do, they're very prolific. I no longer grow more than a plant. Two starts to become to much for us and our needs.
this year I've been vacuum packing everything, whole tomatoes, sliced squash and zucchini in 16oz packs, I have 2 freezers half full
