First ever brew completed

no messing around with you is there !
well done mate , hope it all works as expected but don't give up if it's not quite right
Brewing is an art and a science and takes some time to get all nailed down pat .
my first 10 brews were all cans of kit goo with various sugars , took me 5 brews to add extra hops and a few more to add spec malts and then another 5 or so extract based before adding a partial mash so already had my ferment practices down pat .
for someone jumping in the deep end day 1 you'll be learning a lot every brew
I definitely got the bug I'm hooked this Saturday I'm brewing a Munich helles I will post the screen shots after its in the fermentor.then I will hold off on any other sessions until the ale from this past weekend is ready to taste test
I know what I forgot, I didn't take any mash ph readings, the water was 5.64 before I lit the fire, and I added 3 grams of gypsum to bring the water in parameter before adding the grain. It's still bubbling away and holding 66° f
I use acidulated malt to bring down mash ph there crunk but I'll be getting some lactic acid from hombrew store to do this in case I need to lower ph after mash in. Probably not best to use mineral additions to alter mash PH as these can change your water profile making your brew taste more malty or bitter depending upon what mineral additions you use:rolleyes:.
Ill have to buy some of that and remind myself to take the mash ph readings.
Acidulated malt has natural lactic acid , I usually add 150 g and it will bring mash pH down by 1 point or so .

Crunk I know brewers been brewing for years before even looking at water chemistry , you really have done some research mate
That why my wife calls me anal when I start a project, I never hear anything afterwards though.
It has been 5 days since the ale was put into the fermenter the bubbling has slowed down considerably tonight I'm going to take a sample from the sample port and check the gravity then I'll wait till Saturday and check the gravity again to see if it has changed or whether it is done fermenting
The airlock has stopped, the temp is at 62 degrees, I'm trying to warm it up slowly to 68 degrees, wort is cloudy, looks like coffee with creamer

OG was 1.053
Current 1.024
Yesterday was 1.025

Been 6 days in the fermentor nice vigorous bubbling for 3 days then slowed way down, should I add more yeast, warm it up, not sure.

It smells great.
Wrapped the fermentor better, warmed the room, wort is now up 2 degrees and the airlock action has started again. I'll keep checking back.
Don't underestimate them yeasties crunk. And don't overthink it:D.
Yes sir, I had to step back clear my mind and start with the common sense solution. I swirreled it to to get the yeast back in suspension, figured it's already cloudy, what's swirrelling going to hurt.
I force oxygenated the wort for 1 minute, I'm sure it will recover, I would love to drink it now, I smells awesome.
I forced it before pitching the yeast, not today, I read my last post, so I thought I would clarify that lmao
The easiest and, in my experience, most effective way to jump a stalled fermentation is to increase the temp. It sounds like you did just that and got results. If you don't get the FG you're after you can repitch as'll want to try a starter to get the cell count up and finish the job. It sounds like things are back on track though. Like Bevis said, relax Crunk, it sounds normal.
Thank you all for the input, as a new brewer it's a relaxing feeling knowing advice is as close as my phone
