Hello fellow brewers.
I am finishing up a batch right now, and like my previous all grain attempts, I cant seem to get all the wort out of my kettle and into my fermenter. a. because my screen gets plugged and b. there is tons and tons of sediment in the bottom of my kettle
more: chung cư số 17 phạm hùng
I used a worfloc at 15mins, I have a bazooka screen in my kettle, I even put all 4oz of hops into different cheese cloth bags, I vorlauf off 1 gallon before filling the kettle. It seems like I am disturbing the sediment or something, because the bottom 2.5 inches of the kettle are mixed. So instead of 5.5 gallons getting into the fermenter I am getting only 4 or 4.5!!!
more: chung cư iris garden
How do you folks get the wort out of the kettle?
Did the brew shop mill my grain to fine? Is batch sparging the cause? poor boil?
Any advice or thoughts would be much appreciated. I am new so this is probably a simple fix!
more: chung cư golden park
I am finishing up a batch right now, and like my previous all grain attempts, I cant seem to get all the wort out of my kettle and into my fermenter. a. because my screen gets plugged and b. there is tons and tons of sediment in the bottom of my kettle
more: chung cư số 17 phạm hùng
I used a worfloc at 15mins, I have a bazooka screen in my kettle, I even put all 4oz of hops into different cheese cloth bags, I vorlauf off 1 gallon before filling the kettle. It seems like I am disturbing the sediment or something, because the bottom 2.5 inches of the kettle are mixed. So instead of 5.5 gallons getting into the fermenter I am getting only 4 or 4.5!!!
more: chung cư iris garden
How do you folks get the wort out of the kettle?
Did the brew shop mill my grain to fine? Is batch sparging the cause? poor boil?
Any advice or thoughts would be much appreciated. I am new so this is probably a simple fix!
more: chung cư golden park
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