
  1. BoJ’

    First Time Brewing, I accidentally ordered all my grains in the same bag.

    I’ve starting making Mead recently and it turned out great. Since that was a success I thought it would be fun to try and make a beer as well. I settled on a Belgian Witbier recipe I found online, but I guess I wasn’t paying attention when I was ordering the grain and ordered all of them to be...
  2. Kosh

    Adusting ingredient amounts.

    I generally take a recipe from a kit i liked and try tweaking to my own tastes. I almost always increase abv by 1-2% with the base malt and adjust hops for this. Now my question: About how much do i increase steeping grains for the abv change? I don't like a thin beer. Guessing if recipe...
  3. ltrog

    Base Malt Difference

    I am looking to capitalize on economies of scale by purchasing my primary fermentable base grain in the 55 lb sack. With that said, I will be committed to brewing several batches using this single type of grain as the base malt. Will I see a significant difference in desired beer flavor that...
