OG way too low. :(

I had something similar happening to my brew. I have just let it be. It's about ready to bottle and will be lower in alcohol than I aimed for.

Just another thing to look at for your next brews (as this is what I believe went wrong in my case)
- evaporation: I estimated too high
- water contained by the malted grains: I estimated this too high as well (as I use BIAB)
So, I ended up with too much liquid for the amount of grains... Hence I lower OG

Good luck and interesting to see that us newbies are running into similar problems ;)
Well, something nobody has mentioned is the crushing of your grain. Did you crush it yourself, or buy it pre-crushed? Most pre-crushed grain is a wee bit too coarse, to avoid stuck sparges. Coarser crush on the grain will give you lower OG, and is probably the #1 newbie mistake. A finer crush will make the starches more accessible to the enzymes, and results in a higher end of mash OG.
Don't grind it into flour, or you will discover the hell of a stuck sparge.
There are dozens if not hundreds in all styles in the data bass that fit the bill.
Data bass? Is that anything like the Salmon of Truth? :D
JA nailed it, though. Do something proven, learn your process before starting to formulate recipes.
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Data bass? Is that anything like the Salmon of Truth? :D
Too many years of playing stand-up...:D :D Musicians and fisherman always default to that spelling. ;)
