Fun with Isolation


Hey guys im just here to do the pest control:eek:
Damn, I thought these were pictures of what happened when people didn't call you to remove the pests when there's a pandemic on.
Damn, I thought these were pictures of what happened when people didn't call you to remove the pests when there's a pandemic on.
Yeah its what happens when people spend too long in isolation lol:D.

For those wondering its amusment park staff house at Aussie World sunny coast i guess their testing out props i took pics for shits and giggles is all;).

I love the added ghostliness my busted phone camera brings!
Yeah its what happens when people spend too long in isolation lol:D.

For those wondering its amusment park staff house at Aussie World sunny coast i guess their testing out props i took pics for shits and giggles is all;).

I love the added ghostliness my busted phone camera brings!
Pretty cool. Take a little break from reality with some zombies while working. Not bad!
I'm worse than you, if anyone has seen me here through the years my phone makes me into an idiot, if I would just take the time to edit right?
Yeah i get you Oz im a serial offender im amazed you guys even understand what im on about half the time. Im an Idiot so cant blame it on me phone lol:D:D
Pretty cool. Take a little break from reality with some zombies while working. Not bad!
Yeah im one of the lucky ones i suppose. Weird to think getting to go to work whilst the rest of the population is at home is lucky but it is what it is right ;).
Yeah was an amusement park first job this morn so thought id entertain everyone with some zombie pick.

Its not a big park at all just a bit of a stop over "road trip" and a pretty out there three story pub now titled "Banana Bender Pub" Australians would get that its a Queensland thing.
It had a name change after change of ownership so the once iconic Ettamoga Pub with the old truck on the roof looks more like an oversized Balinese Shack:D.
Next time i go ill snap a pic of it they just finished a full revamp two stories this thing is btw.

This is a pic of its best ride
Never realized how bad spell check was until one of the in-laws in Ireland formed a family group on WhatsApp. One of the wife's nephews' name is Daire, pronounced like Lara, as in Lara Trump. Every time I enter his name, spell check changes it to Faire. I don't think he appreciates that too much.
Great news Bob, must be a huge relief for you!
Just finished an online Taekwondo lesson, been reviewing forms - almost as much fun as fluid cleanliness....
I should probably refresh myself on all the karate kata's I haven't done in >5 years.
