Zoom March 2024?


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Jan 27, 2019
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Last Saturday of the month will be in the Easter weekend.
No problem for me, but maybe it should be brought forward?
Good thought Zambi. I can probably make March 30th but, I won't know for certain until it too late to do anything about it. I'm fine with whatever the group decides.
If it is the 30th I will probably just make another cameo appearance, Barb and I are away for a birthday/anniversary getaway.
The 23rd, should be okay for me, but can't say for sure, could just be another cameo then too
I have baseball all day until 8 pm the 23rd.
If it is the 30th I will probably just make another cameo appearance, Barb and I are away for a birthday/anniversary getaway.
The 23rd, should be okay for me, but can't say for sure, could just be another cameo then too

You know Craig...imaginary friends need attention too! ;)
23rd I'll be at a wedding.
I still don't know what the 30th will bring, so I'd say stick with that.
Most will expect it to be then if they're not following this
My 2 cents
I am wanting to attend one of these but will be out of town all of next week. Maybe the April one?
Ah. For a minute or two. Got it.
