Yup I've recently acquired some peppermint.
I've done a few spice style beers now but nothing with mint and not IPA something more refined maybe or simpler grist as
@Mark Farrall is pointing at so the malt stays behind the mint your trying to present.
I'd imagine it would create a cooling sensation on the tounge.
I can't help but think a bit maybe mid boil would give that mint cooling thing then for flavour I'd go WP /Flame out / or hop stand with (mint hop) but keep the hops way back unless your sure it's gunna deliver on the mint profile.
I think lemondrop is a safe hop if your thinking mint lemon flavour even cascade or Citra to push it in that direction

I'd go base malt Munich malt and wheat if you want. I'd mash nice and warm to keep some dextrines and keep the IBUs low treat it sorta like a wheat beer now that could work too!
I'm looking forward to hearing more about this.
How much mint grams wise you thinking?
I'm thinking err on the side of caution with the dosage in the WP then if on tasting the fermented product then if your not satisfied you could dry hop with it more.
I just think about making mint Sauces also its a brown vineger raw Sugar mix that's boiled with a healthy dose of mint I'd keep that in mind for recipes.