thinking about yeast blends again


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Sep 21, 2015
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I'm drinking my IPA I just brewed, used White Labs 095 (Burlington Ale), and it surprisingly came out really clean.

does anyone have experience with WLP008 (East Coast Ale)?? I want to try this strain next, by itself. And then after that perhaps brew an 8% IPA with a blend of WLP008 and WLP095.

Ive herd one yeast strain usually dominates the other and colonises the batch but please correct me if that BS:).
Ive herd one yeast strain usually dominates the other and colonises the batch but please correct me if that BS:).
My experience is that the first pitch with 2 yests will give results that reflect the influence of both yeasts and that the second pitch or pitching onto the cake will tend to heavily favor one yeast over the other.
if your going to mix yeast you really need to look at how flocculate they are, they need to match up or one will outshine the other

so mixing say Nottingham with US05 will not work at all and would be a waist of using US05, the Nottingham is a more aggressive yeast and drops faster and the US05 is slow and cannibalistic, completely different types of yeast and one would be the dominate and the other would just be in the way and eat its self so be careful you don't just waste your money lol
The two yeasts will both fight for your beer, but you will not get " goodies " from both.

If you wish to experiment with blends, I can highly recommend Imperial A24 Dry Hop
