St Patrick’s Day beer

My wife, the retired science teacher, used to make cookies with cricket flour for her students, just to show what people around the world regularly consume for protein. The crickets are just like (fill in the blank), tastes like chicken. Those cookies were just fine.
Interesting! How do you get cricket flour?
Brewing an Oatmeal Stout today. My future Brother-in-Law is expecting his first baby on March 17th. It'll be a race between the beer and the baby :D
@Sunfire96, looks like you added some crickets to the grist! :p
Dang, that's pretty spot on :D I've been calling this bag of Maris Otter "grasshopper malt" because it has all those stems and shit lol During the mash, it looks like grasshopper legs floating around on top. I finally used it all up though, phew!
I did a brown on the weekend, maybe I should do a nice Irish red this afternoon or tomorrow.
