Setting up the new library


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Aug 29, 2012
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Rosedale, MD
Just need a comfy chair


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I guess my library is a testament to which hobby took up most of my time, money and energy up until having kids... only has 2-3 books on brewing but a good 40+ climbing guides. :rolleyes:
I love having a Kindle. Otherwise, I'd have all library and no living space.
That's what I was getting at most my books are on my kindle. Most paperback books I read I eventually give away I only read a novel once but a book of reference like brewing book that's one to be returned to. And I think these type of books are best purchased in paper form.
That's what I was getting at most my books are on my kindle. Most paperback books I read I eventually give away I only read a novel once but a book of reference like brewing book that's one to be returned to. And I think these type of books are best purchased in paper form.
Absolutely! Showing my age here, about the last thing I want to do is critical reading from a screen.
Amen, you still can't beat flipping back and for the between pages, dog earing them, and otherwise the feel of referencing a brewing tome (the more well worn the better in that regard)
The Ye old brewing book is also stained from past brewing endevours a grain husk wedged between the recess of the pages or some flecks of splashed wort upon the pages:). Sure beats a splash of wort upon the IPad:D.:eek:
