Salt Additions


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Mar 14, 2018
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I have done a few batches now using RO water and making various additions to get close to the chosen water profile. So far I have put the additions in the mash water only, and sparged with straight RO. I brew BIAB, but sparge by pouring X amount of water over the grain bag while it rests on the kettle in a strainer.

I am thinking of putting my full water volume in the kettle, making my additions, giving it a good stir while starting to heat for striking. Then drawing off the sparge water volume into the kettle I use to heat it so that the mash and sparge water have the same profile.

Does this make sense?
Would I select blend waters, and unselect salts added to mash only?
Or should I stick with adding the salts to the mash only?

I really don't have my routine nailed down, but I've been adding water amendments to my HLT before strike. I'll be working on acid additions for sparge but ion level additions are up front.
I have been treating my full volume of RO water then separating it for strike and sparge. My thinking is that because the salt additions are as much for flavour as for mash health, then by using water that has a consistent mineral profile I can be sure that I have the concentrations I want in the final beer, even if I need to change the volume of strike or sparge water I use.
There is no shot of mineral concentrations mate! Blend your sparge and mash water In the calculator I'd just drain off my sparge volume from kettle once done with mineral additions if going the RO route.
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Thanks for the feedback guys
For sparge water i adjust to have ph in the range 5.2 to 5.4, less than 6, to avoid extract tannins.

I adjust the water from mash with additions of salt and acid, and for the sparge water i just drop the ph for the same of the mash.
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I brewed last night, I treated the full volume of water in my kettle, mixed it up good, then drained off the sparge water to be heated separately. Mash pH ended up being 5.3. I didn't check pH pre, or post boil.
